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The EduWire Daily Update offers readers a summation of the most critical news and trends in the higher-ed tech arena. It curates critical content for MOOC, Education Technology, Flip Classrooms, Learning Management Systems, Web 2.0, Pedagogy, Lecture Capture, Distance Learning, Classroom Audio, Classroom Video, Education Apps, Streaming, Control Systems, IT, and Security.
Today's Top Stories
1. Mobile in and Out of the Classroom
  via Campus Technology
  When Associate Professor Stephanie Cole walks into her U.S. History Survey class at the University of Texas at Arlington, she faces about 150 students, each of whom carries a smartphone, laptop or tablet. Cole, in turn, uses PowerPoint slides and a screen. For 80 minutes twice a week, Cole and her students engage with each other, discussing concepts, asking and answering questions, giving and taking notes. More
Why This Matters: Mobile devices see widespread usage on campuses, where most student have more than one device with them on the go. While they can be distracting at times, these devices also offer students unique learning opportunities.

2. Alternative credentials now a must-have for traditional universities
  via eCampus News
  More than half of higher education institutions (64 percent) participating in a recent survey said alternative credentials are an important strategy for institutions futures. That same survey also found that millennial students are likely to support the use of badges and certificates as part of their educational system. More
Why This Matters: We all know that alternative credentials are making a big splash, but did you know that millennials actually prefer digital badges over traditional degrees? How does your institution embrace new forms of learning?

3. Best Practices Using Your Hard-Earned Data
  via Education Dive
  You spend a good amount of resources, especially faculty and administrator time, collecting student learning data. Now, its time to distill it all down to meaningful information and see what changes or tweaks will improve student learning. This is where your institution runs the risk of squandering months of hard work, if not well thought out. More
Why This Matters: Big data can only truly be impactful if the metrics are put to use. This article walks us through the order of operations and shows the hidden benefits that extent beyond student outcomes.

4. 7 Ways To Relate The Inevitable to the Future of Higher Ed (Inside Higher Ed)

5. Howand WhyWe Can Improve the Future of Mobile Learning (EdSurge)

6. Shining a Light on Student Outcomes (EdTech Digest)

7. Workday Acquires Zaptions Online Video Learning Platform (EducationNews)

8. Organizations Need to Balance Value and Security When Adopting New Mobile Devices (EdTech Magazine)

9. Codecademy raises $30 million to further its global and academic expansion (VentureBeat)

10. Google speeds past Apple in the race to train mobile app devs in India (The Next Web)

Blog Quote of the Day
Examining ethical and privacy issues surrounding learning analytics
"Our table ended by suggesting that every post-secondary institution should establish a small data ethics/privacy committee that would include, if available, someone who is a specialist in data ethics and privacy, and representatives of faculty and students, as well as the CIO, to implement and oversee policy in this area." TONY BATES, Online Learning and Distance Education Resources

What is instructional design? And how is it changing? See @educause's pdf (to which I contributed). ATT @FlakPhoto

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Director of Teaching and Learning Technology, University of California, Berkeley (Berkeley, CA)

Digital Instructional Specialist, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (Lincoln, NE)

Interprofessional Education Curriculum and Instructional Design Specialist, The University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ)

Instructional Technologist and Designer, Middle Tennessee State University (Murfreesboro, TN)

Director of Innovation and Academic Technology, Columbia University (New York, NY)

Technology Accessibility Specialist, Texas A&M University - Central Texas (Killeen, TX)

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