Dear John,

For too many graduates, the pathways to careers aren’t as clear or as accessible as they could be — or once were. In order to graduate competitive students for today's evolving job market, degree programs should develop both hard skills, like digital proficiency, and soft skills, like critical thinking. You must be able to articulate the value and relevance of a degree from your institution to students, employers, and partners. 

The Chronicle's new report, Career-Ready Education: Beyond the Skills Gap, Tools and Tactics for an Evolving Economy, moves past the definitions of the skills gap and the accompanying blame game. The report, which I wrote, explores the forces driving change and the challenges ahead, ways to structure academic programs to foster employability, and strategies for building effective relationships with employers.

Purchase your copy and gain insight into:
Ensure you're prepared to adapt to the emerging trends of today's hiring landscape with this essential report


Goldie Blumenstyk
Senior Writer
The Chronicle of Higher Education
1255 Twenty-Third St., N.W. 
Washington, D.C. 20037

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