49,243 people have taken this course

This course is dedicated to bringing the presence of real and lasting wealth, prosperity and abundance in your life. In this course, international inspirational expert Ellen Whitehurst transcends and transforms the meaning of wealth, abundance and, yes, true and lasting prosperity, from an idea or an intention into a real experience by sharing with you the ancient secrets and modern shortcuts, the tips and techniques that she has been privileged to have been privy to over the last 25 years, from empowered intuitives representing almost every tradition and culture and every walk of life. Ellen culls from these time-tested traditions and then takes you by the hand and walks you down the path to your own personal and powerful, true and lasting, state of prosperity. She shares ways in which you can become a magnet and attractor for abundance, prosperity and, of course, wealth.

This course will help you clear away the stale, stuck, and stalled energies that are keeping you in a financial holding pattern, and sweep away all the obstacles that are keeping you from attracting the wealth, abundance and prosperity that are your birthright. Instead of just wishing for wealth, why not try this course instead? Seriously, you can't buy the health, happiness and prosperity that come next. But you'll sure be able to afford it if you wanted to!

Attract the financial security you dream about

Simply by following Ellen's easy to understand (and even easier to apply), effective and empowering methods and results-oriented tips, tricks and techniques, anyone looking for financial comfort and security, fulfillment, satisfaction and a bigger, bolder bottom line, will be sure to find all of that and much, much more. You can attract the financial security and the comfort that you dream about and get solvent and secure all in just 27 days.
  • Release the fear caused by financial instabilities
  • Shake off despair and disappointments from past fiscal mistakes
  • Remove previous barriers to wealth
  • Go from being fearful to being fulfilled financially
  • Boost your bottom line in a big way
  • Attract true and lasting abundance
  • Create an environment that magnetizes money to you
  • Enhance existing opportunities and create tons of new and exciting ones
Activate and energize your intentions

This course is broken up into four separate parts for each of the 27 days represented in the process. In these lessons, you will be given the opportunity each day to tap into the incredible power of specifically chosen words and affirmations that will activate and energize your intentions to be filled to the brim with all the wealth and abundance your life can hold.

And more than that, Ellen also offers life-altering and affirming, as well as, transformational, daily writing exercises that will allow your relationship with money and the one you have with yourself (which are inextricably linked) to become more fulfilling, happy, healthy, and, as mentioned, much, much, much more prosperous!

There is also an additional tip or some proactive advice offered on each of the twenty-seven days and, then, finally, there is a bit of encouragement, inspiration, and cheerleading from Ellen that will help keep you both enthused and engaged.

Actual course participants share their experiences

"I am a living, walking and talking example of how to get out of debt using Ellen's ideas. My husband had been out of work for two years and the bills were out of control. Unemployment only stretched so far for our family and I had to return to the workforce. But that didn't even help to make ends meet. Once we both did a few of the Feng Shui cures she suggested, not only did he get a good paying job (almost immediately) but I also got a promotion and a raise. We are true believers." - Laura and Bill Q. from Ohio

"I was fearful about the economic downturn. I had lost almost two-thirds of my net worth in the stock market downturn and some problematic real estate investments. Honestly, I really only turned to Ellen because I knew of her Wall Street background and appreciated her depth of credentials. Then, once I started implementing her ideas and her suggestions, almost magically, opportunities began appearing not daily but almost hourly. She's mystical in my book and these suggestions are truly all anyone could ever need to be their most prosperous selves ever." - Julia M., CEO, Entrepreneur

"You asked me to be completely honest and so I will. I didn't do the affirmations or the writing exercises because my financial life is pretty healthy. But who can't use more right? What I did do was use the symbols Ellen offered and oh my gosh. That's all I can say. Almost immediately more money started flowing in from the most unlikely sources. These magical symbols work like, well, magic." - Rob J., New York

"When I was asked to participate in an early test of Ellen's course, I was, to say the least, doubtful. But it gave me the confidence and the personal empowerment I needed to quit my job and start my own business and, because of Ellen, I haven't looked back since. I also just enrolled my son in a private college, something I never thought I'd be able to afford." - Fran, single mom and CEO, San Francisco, CA

About Ellen Whitehurst (1958-2016)

Ellen Whitehurst was an internationally lauded and recognized Feng Shui expert, holistic practitioner and author. Ellen collected and gathered individually empowering secrets and shortcuts from cultural traditions all across the globe that span the gamut from holistic healing to aromatherapy, from ayurveda to astrology, as well as Feng Shui and more. Her sense of humor as well as her ability to apply age-old tips and techniques to modern lifestyles, allowed Ellen to show anyone interested how to achieve their highest hopes while also manifesting their wishes and dreams with ease and grace. Ellen died on October 30, 2016, but her inspiring work lives on.

How Does It Work?

Starting today, you will receive a new lesson every day for 27 days (total of 27 lessons). Each lesson is yours to keep and you'll be able to refer back to it whenever you want. And if you miss a lesson or are too busy to get to it that day, each lesson will conveniently remain in your account so you won't have to search for it when you're ready to get back to it.
Get Started Now

We are offering this course with the option of selecting how much you want to pay. No matter how much you pay, you'll be getting the same course as everybody else. We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the course with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund you.
How much do you want to pay?


This is the total amount for all 27 lessons