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Money Management Magazine 
Volume 34 No. 9  |  4 June 2020

Latest issue of Money Management

Available online

Money Management's Top Stories:


In case you missed them, here are
this week's most read articles:

  1. The 10 super funds which paid half of all early release payments
  2. AFCA hit by super early release complaint surge
  3. New Cbus 'opt out' regime raises eyebrows
  4. FASEA exam extension bill passes
  5. 10 super funds still accounting for 60% of early release payments

Featured Article:

Emerging Markets - Who wins from the lower oil price?

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The record low oil price would ordinarily benefit oil importers, but the COVID-19 pandemic means these are anything but ordinary times.

When investing, it can help to take a broad approach to the world beyond domestic Australian equities.

However, there are headwinds to this overseas approach, particularly when investing in emerging markets, and it is important to remember emerging markets are not necessarily in the same shape as their developed market counterparts.

Read the full article on page 14.

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