Before you get surgery, check this evidence: Less-invasive treatments work better.; Why the Brexit referendum might not be the last word on Britain’s EU membership; So, what’s next for democracy and politics in the United Kingdom?; The Supreme Court, not just three female justices, spoke loudly on women’s reproductive rights;
Monkey Cage
Brexit might undermine Europe’s democratic order
Brexit may be undermining the integrated Europe that Winston Churchill and others wanted after World War II.
Before you get surgery, check this evidence: Less-invasive treatments work better.
The Affordable Care Act collected patients' ratings on outcomes. We compared treatments for low back pain and plantar fasciitis.
Why the Brexit referendum might not be the last word on Britain’s EU membership
For now at least, whether Brexit actually occurs will be due to political calculations as opposed to a legal obligation.
So, what’s next for democracy and politics in the United Kingdom?
A new Parliament may get to decide England's "next-best deal."
The Supreme Court, not just three female justices, spoke loudly on women’s reproductive rights
What shapes a justice's view on abortion? It's not just gender.
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