Despite Obama’s new executive order, U.S. drone policy may still violate international law; The real reason the U.K. voted for Brexit? Jobs lost to Chinese competition.; A quick Brexit or a delayed departure? Here’s where it gets tricky for businesses.; Mongolia’s opposition party won 85 percent of the seats in parliament with only 45 percent of the vote;
Monkey Cage
International agreements to prohibit child labor don’t always work. Here’s why.
Human rights agreements don't always protect human rights.
Despite Obama’s new executive order, U.S. drone policy may still violate international law
The Obama administration has expanded, institutionalized and normalized George W. Bush's drone policy.
The real reason the U.K. voted for Brexit? Jobs lost to Chinese competition.
Voters say it's because of immigration. But we did the math.
A quick Brexit or a delayed departure? Here’s where it gets tricky for businesses.
Neither businesses nor consumers like uncertainty.
Mongolia’s opposition party won 85 percent of the seats in parliament with only 45 percent of the vote
This surprising, lopsided result is thanks to last-minute changes in the electoral rules and is one of the most disproportional in the world.
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