Do Africans still want democracy? This new report gives a qualified yes.; Did Russian hackers elect the U.S. president? Don’t believe the hype.; What comes next under a President Trump?; Food scarcity causes conflicts — but so can food abundance. Here’s why.;
Monkey Cage
There are three rules of Cabinet appointments. Will Donald Trump break them?
One of the rules: appointing enough women.
Do Africans still want democracy? This new report gives a qualified yes.
There may be a democratic recession in Africa, but this is happening in a broader context of positive long-term gains.
Did Russian hackers elect the U.S. president? Don’t believe the hype.
That an election theoretically could be hacked does not mean that it was.
What comes next under a President Trump?
Want to catch up? Here's a round-up of what we know.
Food scarcity causes conflicts — but so can food abundance. Here’s why.
Food grievances can push marginalized groups to participate in rebellions — and wars.
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