Donald Trump’s convention speech was the most negative in more than 40 years; Iggy Pop, ‘Caesar': The Week In One Song; What do Africans actually think about public health interventions from afar?; Turkey’s coup attempt was unusual, but not for the reasons you might expect;
Monkey Cage
Will Tim Kaine deliver Virginia (and Catholics)? Don’t count on it.
Vice presidents just don't win many votes for the ticket.
Donald Trump’s convention speech was the most negative in more than 40 years
In one striking graph.
Iggy Pop, ‘Caesar': The Week In One Song
"I alone can fix it."
What do Africans actually think about public health interventions from afar?
Two new books offer cautions, using both historical and contemporary cases.
Turkey’s coup attempt was unusual, but not for the reasons you might expect
Coups in democracies usually have certain characteristics. Turkey did not fit the pattern.
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