Welcome to our January newsletter, the first in 2020 and fittingly focused this month on carbon, carbon, carbon. If 2019 was the year when the world heard the climate change message, let 2020 be when seismic, measurable action kicks in. Great to see BlackRock’s commitment to exiting investments with high sustainability-related risk and launching products that screen fossil fuels, as well as major airlines’ commitment to offsetting. Great to see the UK’s The Guardian newspaper’s ban on accepting fossil fuel advertisers. Great to see consumer carbon awareness now starting with carbon labelling on food packaging. If you are tasked with ensuring carbon traction gets to the top of your business’s agenda in 2020, we propose three key steps in our Carbon, carbon, carbon article to help you get there. And our Get a move on with carbon one-pager lays out the key milestones. Wishing everyone a successful 2020 in making responsible business become BAU. Hope you enjoy our 2020 Actions for Business, our annual look at what we see as the challenges for business. Businesses need to be prepared to lead. It is what stakeholders and society expect. |