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March Monthly Briefing:
ESG Backlash - An opportunity to strengthen credibility and avoid greenwashing

Our views on what matters

Our topic this month is ESG Backlash, the second of the themes for the year we identified in ourActions for Business Report 2023.

That backlash is coming from two directions, not one. The first source is noisy and grabbing the headlines. It originates in the US political and culture wars, now being echoed on this side of the Atlantic. The second, more thoughtful, source is not external opponents but insiders, those in the sustainability movement worried both about lack of ambition and underperformance, and about overreach, aka greenwashing.

Concern about overclaiming is not restricted to company behaviour. Governments are implicated too, with the UN Secretary-General describing COP climate change targets as having “loopholes wide enough to drive a diesel truck through”. Whatever the aspect, sustainability remains firmly in the spotlight. 

In this issue’s news round-up, our writers give their own take on recent developments. In our longer read, they pick up the theme of business still falling short on action, and characterise companies in three groups – opportunistic, aspirational and committed. Ever practical, they set out five steps a company can take to navigate the current turbulence.

As for myself, I certainly welcome the second backlash, and even the first in so far as it forces us to reflect on fundamentals. In that quest, the shorthand “ESG” is becoming increasingly unhelpful and polarising. Instead, let’s focus on how companies create value over the long term in a responsible and sustainable way, for the benefit both of providers of capital, and of customers, employees and all others engaged in that enterprise. The evidence is surely compelling, to any fair-minded observer, that taking a wider-angle view of risks and opportunities is the best way to achieve that.

Mike Tuffrey

ESG Backlash – how better reporting builds trust

One of the best defences against unfounded criticism, is to ensure that a business is fully on top of its reporting, identifying gaps in controls and able to more confidently promote its probity.

ABCD-ESG: back to basics on the language of sustainability

Sustainability and a business’s true value lie beyond numbers or letters – let’s remember there is more to the alphabet than E, S & G.

ESG Backlash: in search of credibility and impact

We have little time and carbon budget to spare, to meet the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). So what should your company be doing?

Read More

Are you impacted by CSRD?

It could be that you are already aware of the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) but unsure whether it applies to your business. This is why we have designed these Impact Trees so you have a better understanding of the ‘if’, ‘when’ and ‘how’ of CSRD. We can also support you in preparing for reporting under CSRD, with a Readiness Analysis and helping ensure your double materiality assessment is in line with CSRD.

Download here
Upcoming Events

Following our online roundtable event in October 2022, we are thrilled to announce the launch of our Corporate Foundations Series entitled: ‘Addressing the elephant in the room’.

Hosted by Business for Societal Impact (B4SI) and Corporate Citizenship, part of SLR Consulting, this series presents a unique opportunity for European based Corporate Foundations to come together and discuss key issues and common challenges—while leaving the space for fresh ideas, practical support and new opportunities to develop.

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