September 21, 2019
Dear Valued Reader,

Miss anything in the week that was?  Have no fear, we'll catch you right up...
The week in Gumshoeland started out with a search for Marijuana Moonshots, moved on to a perfect stock or two teased by the Oxford folks, and ended with a different kind of moontshot... and, of course, with my Friday File that included some buy and sell updates (buying some hated stuff and dividend growth, selling some big tech).  So let's start at the top, shall we?  The Marijuana Moonshots that were teased?  Just click below to...

It’s not some crazy conspiracy theory… the Deep State DOES exist. And Trump can’t defeat it alone.

That’s why the father of Reaganomics and the swamp’s worst nightmare is finally doing something.  Exposing their lies… Protecting our freedoms… and bringing us all together with the power of one voice.  Get the details on how to join him, right here.


We revisited an older Oxford Club tease that's still in heavy rotation (the "son of a policeman" one about a stock with a "secret name, remember?")  You can see ourupdated discussion of that one here.

Then it was Oxford again, this time trotting out Bill O'Reilly for the "Great American Wealth Project" ... which, of course, starts with "one little company" that is "perhaps the most important linchmpin to the entire 5G network" -- Thinkolator answers on that one are just a click away.

And then it was on to the "Forgotten Stone" that will provide limitless energy and fuel the next space race, profiting, so sez Oilprice.com, those who own these four key companies.

Finally, my friends, the week came to a close and we said good-bye for a few hours... but not before sharing the Friday File, which this week includes a couple buys in small cap land, both of which have businesses that are a wee bit distasteful, and two partial sells among my big tech holdings... full details below...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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