The cold-blooded murder of George Floyd has sparked global outrage. The fear, sadness and frustration that have fueled protests around the world will not abate unless we all confront racial injustice.

Today, we are adding our voices to the call for equality and fair treatment for black citizens.

Third Door Media is a small company of 29 individuals, a mix of men and women, who are mostly white. We know we can do more to support diversity within our organization, publications, events, and the greater marketing community. We also know we can use our privilege and this public platform to advocate for change when it is so sorely needed.

In addition to driving change within, we’re proudly donating to three organizations and initiatives that support the black community and help create a more equitable world: 

Finally, we know the events of the past week are causing despair and anguish for so many. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, please seek help from organizations like SAMHSA.

– The Third Door Media team