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More Tax Code Changes for Individuals in 2020

(Accounting Web) - The year 2020 has been filled with change, and the tax code is no exception to this. Recently, yet another occurred: Taxpayers are now temporarily allowed to deduct charitable contributions. Julian Block explains.

Emerging Stronger Than Ever Guide

We have all experienced an unprecedented crisis. But what if you could help your firm actually emerge stronger in the long run? The truth is, not only can you bounce back, but you can thrive for years to come - if you take this as a wake-up call to reinvent your practice. DOWNLOAD OUR FREE GUIDE

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Coping With the Current Net Investment Income Tax 
(CPA Practice Advisor) -The outcome could be significant on a number of fronts. One issue that has largely flown under the radar: The ACA authorizes the imposition of several taxes, including the “net investment income tax” (NIIT) affecting certain high-income investors.

QR Codes Added to IRS Balance-due Notices 
(Accounting Today) - For the first time, the IRS is adding barcode technology to notices sent to millions of taxpayers. Starting this month, CP14 and CP14 IA balance-due notices that inform taxpayers that they owe money on unpaid taxes and their payment options are now equipped with QR barcodes...

10 Worst Things to Keep in Your Wallet 
(Kiplinger) - Storing your passport book or card, a spare key, or any of these other important items in your wallet leaves you open to identity theft -- or worse.

U.S. Jobless Claims Jump, Americans Move to Extended Programs 
(Bloomberg) - Applications for U.S. state unemployment benefits unexpectedly jumped last week and more Americans moved to longer-term aid, underscoring a recent slowing in the pace of the labor market’s recovery.

Recorded Webinar: 5 CAS Practice Growth Killers … And How to Overcome Them

Do you want to grow your firm’s Client Accounting Services (CAS) practice and make it really successful? If yes, you don’t want to fall in the same traps that made several firms struggle. Hitendra’s 60-minute webinar will help you overcome and avoid the top 5 most common CAS practice growth killers that have been experienced by firms of almost all sizes. WATCH ON-DEMAND

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