Journal Star
May 31, 2020
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This morning's top stories
More than 1,000 Peorians protest police brutality during the We Matter March

PEORIA - Though the idea was conceived just three days ago by a group of young Peorians, the "We Matter March" in downtown Peoria Saturday afternoon was a screaming success.

Pepper balls fired during protest at East Peoria Walmart

EAST PEORIA -- A group of protesters gathered in the parking lot of the East Peoria Walmart on Saturday night, and at one point police there fired pepper balls onto the ground near a shopping-cart barrier set up by protesters between the groups.

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STATEHOUSE INSIDER: For all of the headaches, the session went smoothly

For all of the hoop jumping that had to be done to salvage what was left of the spring legislation session, it all went remarkably smoothly.

Nine more cases of COVID-19 in Peoria, 1,462 in the state

Nine more cases of COVID-19 were diagnosed in the Tri-County area over the past 24 hours.

Two shot in hand early Saturday morning

PEORIA -- Two men suffered gunshot wounds to the hand early Saturday morning, according to Peoria Police.