Tuesday, October 16, 2018 View Online
A look back at the 1918 flu pandemic that caused Michigan's deadliest year 
A century ago, humanity experienced a flu pandemic that killed an estimated 65 million people worldwide. More than 15 million people fell victim to the pandemic here in Michigan, with October marking the 100th anniversary of the deadliest month during the deadliest year the state has ever seen. According to the Centers for Disease Control, the pandemic caused the national life expectancy to fall by 12 years and, surprisingly, people in theirs 20s were most likely to die. Called one of the deadliest natural disasters in recorded history, take a look at how the flu outbreak specifically impacted Michigan. MORE
What Main Streets looked like in Michigan a century ago
Recreational marijuana could create new annual tax revenue of $287.9M
According to a new report from the nonpartisan Senate Fiscal Agency, recreational marijuana in Michigan could bring in an estimated $287.9 million in tax revenue in 2023. That is more than double a recent estimate from a pro-marijuana group. Why study the potential for 2023? That is when Michigan's recreational marijuana industry is expected to peak, if voters in November approve a proposal for the legalization of the substance. Those who oppose legalizing recreational marijuana say the tax revenue projections are just "a tiny drop in the bucket for the state budget." MORE
How legalized marijuana would work in Michigan
Michigan's tax on recreational marijuana would be among lowest in nation

Sears files bankruptcy, will close 142 stores
Sears has had a huge presence in the U.S. for a long time, but their share of the big box retail industry will shrink once again after the chain announced it has filed for bankruptcy. Though Sears Holding announced it plans to stay operational in the face of the Chapter 11 filing, the company announced the closure of 142 stores across the country, including four in Michigan. The closures are piling up, as 46 additional stores were already set to close in November. Sears Holding, which also operates Kmart stores, currently has 700 stores with about 68,000 employees. MORE
Four Sears stores included in new round of closures

Big Ten power rankings show U-M, MSU on rise
Ahead of their big rivalry game, both Michigan and Michigan State are climbing up the Big Ten power rankings. In fact, Michigan would be on top if it weren't for that pesky bunch of Buckeyes down in Ohio. With both the Spartans and Wolverines coming off exciting wins, who will take home the Paul Bunyan trophy? Or maybe that isn't the important question. No matter who you are rooting for, you likely want both of these teams to keep the eye on the real prize — taking down Ohio State when they each take on the (current) top team next month.

Dantonio expects MSU to ride confidence wave into rivalry game
Michigan fans say nice things about MSU to dispel 'disrespek' voodoo

Oh, the oddities you'll see during Theatre Bizarre
The strange spectacle that is Theatre Bizarre began last weekend in Detroit. If you missed the mayhem, don't worry, we were there to capture it so you can act as a fly on the wall and decide whether this is your kind of party. If you do want to partake in all the wild and whimsical aspects of this unique event, there is still more to explore this weekend. MLive bizarre and bazaars beat reporter Ed Pevos gives us a peek into this peculiar world. MORE
How to explore the mysterious Theatre Bizarre labyrinth

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