Tuesday, November 6, 2018 View Online
Election Day 2018: What Michigan voters need to know
Welcome to Election Day 2018! Today's newsletter is devoted to this all-important mid-term election. Interest is high across the nation, and Michigan absentee ballots are way up over 2014. There is a lot to unpack during this election. But don't worry if you still need to do research on the races and issues on today's ballot. There is time. Polls opened this morning at 7 a.m. They will remain open until 8 p.m. Click on the MORE link to get started with a basic rundown of what everyone should know before heading to their local voting place. MORE
Our complete guide to the 2018 election coverage
A complete guide to Michigan's 3 ballot proposals
The biggest mistakes voters make at the polls
There's a lot going on during an election day. Not only do voters have to read up on candidates and the issues before they head out to vote, they have to remember some of the little things, such as, where they are supposed to head out to vote. Heading to the wrong precinct is one of the most common mistakes voters make. (BTW if you forgot, click on this link.) Here's a list of a few other things to be on the lookout for today. MORE

What to watch for as election results start flowing in tonight
There is plenty at stake during today's election. There also is plenty of intrigue to keep political junkies and newbies alike curious throughout the evening. Part of our focus will be on searching for particular themes: Will Michigan elect a wave of women candidates? Will Michiganders turn out to vote in record numbers? Will we see a Red Tide or a Blue Wave or a Purple Puddle? (Red and blue make purple, you know.) We look forward to finding out. MORE
Contests to watch in Michigan's 2018 election

Election Day rain will give way to snow by weekend
Yup, there it is. Snow is in a headline for the first time this season. But, then again, maybe the thought of Saturday snow will make today's rainy forecast a bit more palatable. MLive chief meteorologist Mark Torregrossa calls today's weather pattern a "nuisance storm" for voters heading off to their polling places. Early-morning rain will give way to gusting winds mid-day, which will usher in much colder temperatures by the times polls close. MORE
Brace yourself for an abrupt turn to the cold
October was a wet to very wet month across Michigan

Voting done? Time to relax, Michiganders
We're going to let you in on a little secret -- in the world of news, election night is pizza night. After fulfilling your civic duty, you deserve to relax, so why not join the journalists of the world and order some 'za for dinner? Plus, we have some hot tips on where to acquire the best pizza pies around. Pizza not your thing? Well, you can't be a journalist. But you can check out Michigan's Best burgers. Or maybe voting gets you super energized. Why not take a scenic hike and think about American values like freedom and democracy? Then, hit the couch, eat some grub and watch as the election results roll in.
Our Michigan's Best guide to nearly 300 restaurants

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