Friday, May 10, 2019 View Online
Competing views on auto no-fault changes linger amid House, Senate plans
The momentum to change Michigan's auto no-fault law is building. Look no further than the passage of a pair of bills this week -- one in the Senate and one in the House -- as proof. However, substantive change to the nation's highest auto insurance rates won't happen unless state lawmakers come to an agreement. The Republican-led legislature passed bills in each chamber, but they have some significant difference. Also, Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer will need to sign off on any legislation that reaches her desk. So far, she isn't on board with what she's seen. MORE
Why Michigan auto insurance costs so much, and how to lower it
Mother's Day forecast looks rainy
Happy early Mother's Day to all the moms out there! We hope you are able to enjoy the weekend despite MLive chief meteorologist Mark Torregrossa's forecast. It looks as if most of lower Michigan will be in for a shower or two come Sunday. (The temps aren't looking all that rosy, either.) But no matter the weather, just remember: If it weren't for your mom, you wouldn't be here. MORE
Start your day with Mark T in the morning

Time to help us name those falcon chicks
What a perfect time for the baby falcon chicks to hatch: The week leading into Mother's Day! Peregrine falcons Big Red and her partner, Chayton, have been nesting and laying eggs in downtown Jackson since 2010. And every year, Jackson County and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources look to MLive readers to help name them. Email your suggestions to MORE

MHSAA approves changes to playoffs
The Michigan High School Athletic Association wants to reward football teams for tough schedules and has tweaked its playoff points system accordingly. (For instance, no more six wins and you are in.) The MHSAA also wants to ensure basketball and soccer teams are rewarded for regular season success with a new seeding system for district play. MORE
District playoff seeding gets green light

Michigan bakery features giant cookie stuffed with things yummy
Oh, boy. Just when we threw away those last tempting pieces of Easter candy, we learn about this. This massive concoction of gooey chocolate chunk goodness stuffed with marshmallows and REESE'S needs a more grandiose name than simply cookie. We want!

Michigan's Best Bakery search: top 10
This bakery dishes up some wild milkshakes

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