Thursday, June 4, 2020 View Online
Flint's peaceful protest
Flint emerges as symbol of peace and unity amid protests and turmoil
All across this nation, cities have erupted in protests and violence. The protests began as a cry to end police brutality after African American George Floyd was killed while in police custody. The white police officer who kneeled on his neck was charged with murder. But in many cities, the protests were met with heavy police presence. Tensions immediately escalated, tear gas has been used, and in many cases, protests have been overtaken by vandals and looters. But not in Flint. Flint - a Michigan city that has been through so much - has remained peaceful. A city that has for so long been a symbol of hardship in this country, has emerged as a symbol of hope and unity. THIS IS WHY
Sit-in protesters line downtown Grand Rapids street

Detroit protest organizer's charges reduced after he was initially jailed for inciting a riot
Detroit protesters celebrate 'victory' after police chief eases curfew enforcement

Police in riot gear  
Gov. Whitmer announces plan for police reform
The protests and the violence that followed have been the topic of conversation for days in America. But what about the changes to the system that the protests are calling for? On Wednesday, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced plans for police reform to promote racial equality in Michigan. So far it's a series of policies aimed at changing the culture of law enforcement and training our officers on implicit bias and better de-escalation techniques. Is this the start of real change? MORE
Grand Rapids eyes initiatives to improve police-community relations
Great Lakes water temperatures  
Great Lakes water temps are finally on the rise (well, all but one)
We've had some really hot days already this spring, but the Great Lakes have been taking their time warming up until just recently. In fact, if you get over to Saginaw Bay or the south end of Lake Michigan, surface temps are above 60 and pushing 70 degrees. Of course, no one tells Gitche Gumee what to do. She's still in the 30s. The question now is whether these temps will continue to rise in the first part of June or swimming will have to wait: STORY
Why swimming in a Great Lakes is like being in a giant washing machine


High school softball Fsta
Michigan high schools can begin summer athletic activities under two conditions
For the first time in more than two months, high school athletic programs across Michigan may engage in activities. But the MHSAA does have two conditions. 1) The school facilities have to be declared open and the final day of any online instruction or exams completed. 2) Outdoor gatherings are still limited to 100 people. Still, it won't be easy. Social distancing and making sure things remain disinfected (including high school athlete's hands) will be crucial. MORE
Coaches, athletic directors react to reopening of summer activities

Grand Rapids police chief Eric Payne  
Grand Rapids police chief joins protest Wednesday and tensions turn to cheers and chants
Like the example set in Flint, the decision of Grand Rapids police chief Eric Payne to join the protesters and speak directly with the large group gathered downtown Wednesday night, turned what had been tense and violent for days into a march with a quiet end. At one point, a member of the crowd handed Payne their megaphone so that the hundreds of people could hear him exclaim, "We hear you, and black lives matter." VIDEO HERE
 Video: Protesters march peacefully through Grand Rapids

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