Thursday, January 30, 2020 View Online
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Gov. Whitmer unveils 'Plan B' for roads: She'll fix them without lawmakers
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is still determined to "fix the damn roads." In her second State of the State address, Whitmer said she plans to secure money for Michigan road work without the legislature. Instead, she plans to ask the State Transportation Commission to bond for $3.5 billion to start repairs. This is "Plan B," according to the governor, whose "Plan A" focused on a 45-cent gas tax increase that she never could get support for in the Republican-controlled legislature. MORE
Whitmer's road financing plan doesn't fix underlying problems, critics say
Gov. Whitmer hits back at those who criticized her dress at last year's State of the State

Trump to visit Michigan auto workers after signing USMCA
President Donald Trump is scheduled to visit an auto parts supplier in Warren today, one day after he signed the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement. The trade agreement replaces NAFTA, which was widely criticized for allowing companies to move manufacturing operations out of the U.S. in favor of cheap labor. According to the White House, the new deal will create a more balanced trade environment.  MORE
Macomb County Democrats believe Elizabeth Warren can win back swing votes
Soo Locks empties its largest lock, see inside
The vibe at the Soo Locks changes drastically each winter for 10 weeks. Ships are kept away and maintenance workers take over starting in mid-January. The first thing those workers do? They take all of the water out of the Poe Lock, the system's largest lock. Luckily for us, they also take pictures of the process. If you want to see the locks when they are full of water (and ships), you'll have to wait until March 25, when winter maintenance concludes. MORE
Great Lakes freighter crews share favorite photos, videos

Destiny Pitts Fsta
Coach enters 36th season with Michigan softball
Carol Hutchins is ready for another season of Wolverine softball. This will be her 36th, in fact. After all that time, you might think a coach would be considering retirement, but that doesn't seem like a thought on Hutchins' mind. "I could walk in that dugout every day of my life," she said. What is on her mind? Well, winning, of course. MORE
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If you're from Michigan, this is probably how you say hello
Greetings come in many varieties. If you are down south, you are likely to hear a twangy "howdy." Going to Hawaii? You will definitely be greeted with "aloha." We all know that if a Michigander bumps into you, they will say "ope," but how do we greet others in the Great Lakes State? Take a look. MORE
Can you pronounce these Michigan place names?
How to have a Michigan's Best Day in Gaylord
Winter surfing on Lake Michigan

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