Thursday, April 19, 2018 View Online
Michigan Beyond 2018: High-wage, unskilled factory jobs are not coming back
Michigan lost nearly 70,000 manufacturing jobs from 2005 to 2015. The decline coincides with a drop in the state's payroll and per capita income levels. There is little indication well-paid, unskilled factory positions, which once were the backbone of our state's middle class, are coming back. MLive's latest article in our Michigan Beyond 2018 series takes a look at Michigan's manufacturing sector. Clearly, overall numbers are sliding, thanks in part to automation and improved productivity. However, there is a silver lining: There are manufacturing job openings in the state, but you will need extra training and skills to land one that provides a middle class wage. MORE
 Focus on technology skills to land a manufacturing job
 Michigan Beyond 2018
Confederate flag at center of protests at high school
The brouhaha at Bay City Western High School over a Confederate flag continues. A student at the school remains upset that a Confederate flag was torn from his vehicle last week on school grounds, and that the "injustice" has gone unpunished. A group of fellow students have protested alongside the aggrieved student, parking cars across the street from the high school and prominently displaying Confederate flags. Another group of students is counter-protesting the protesters, calling the displays of Confederate flags an act of racism and embarrassing to the school. MORE   
 Video: Demonstrators outside Bay City Western

Money-saving guide to life at U-M gains attention
It is expensive to live in Ann Arbor and earn a degree at the University of Michigan. That really isn't breaking news. However, the financial struggle many low-income students face has born a student-led online guide, which is gaining national attention. "Being Not-Rich at UM" offers cost-saving tips on everything including housing, textbooks, clothing, food and on-campus resources. The guide has been so well-received, the University of Texas at Austin launched its own version. MORE  

These are the names MSU fans need to know as recruiting picks up
Tom Izzo always has Michigan State in the mix for the top national basketball recruits. This offseason is no different. The Spartans are on the radar - and in some cases the favorite target - of a number of high-profile hoopsters. Beat writer Kyle Austin breaks down the particulars of a handful of recruits Izzo would love to woo to East Lansing. U-M fans also might want to give this list a gander. At least a couple of these recruits have offers from Michigan, too! MORE

Reflecting on the life, legacy of Barbara Bush 
Former first lady Barbara Bush passed away this week at the age of 92. We thought it more than appropriate to honor her memory by sharing photos from her decades in the public spotlight, as a first lady, a wife and a mother. She and George H.W. Bush were the longest-married couple in presidential history. Rest in peace, Mrs. Bush. MORE

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