Thursday, June 13, 2019 View Online
How citizen sleuths cracked the Wolverine tannery pollution case
A group of concerned Rockford residents didn't back down to the pressure. No matter the consequences, they wouldn't stop digging into possible pollution problems with Wolverine World Wide. Their dogged pursuit helped uncover one of the most widespread PFAS contaminations in the state. It took years. It took persistence. It took a willingness to ignore small town politics. It took the guts to stare down a worldwide corporate giant on its home turf. MORE
Complete PFAS coverage
When the biggest company in town poisons the water
All the known PFAS sites in Michigan

House committee mulls financial disclosure requirements
Score one for strong journalism. Michigan is one of only two states that does not require its lawmakers to disclose their finances. So, last month we created our own financial disclosure form and asked state lawmakers to voluntarily fill it out. Only a few responded. However, we kick-started the conversation, and that was the point! MORE
New push for financial disclosure still faces roadblocks

Yup, May really was super cloudy in Michigan
Clearly, the sun is waiting for summer to be more than a passing fancy in the sky. Exhibit A: The Grand Rapids area just logged its fourth cloudiest May in recorded history. GR only had 36% possible sunshine last month. Those are February-type numbers. June hasn't provided much improvement, and today's forecast isn't helping any either.  

Rainy, windy and chilly 

Why the Tigers are playing in Omaha ahead of College World Series
We are going to take this as a good omen. The last time Michigan baseball reached the College World Series, the Detroit Tigers won the World Series. Of course, the Tigers aren't winning anything this year. Buuuuut the Tigers are gonna be in Omaha today for the first Major League game played in Nebraska. Could it mean magic is ahead for the Wolverines? We've squeezed hope out of harder rocks! MORE
U-M's Kerr follows in family's footsteps in Omaha
What is Michigan's favorite ice cream?
Would you have guessed the most popular ice cream flavor in Michigan is Superman? The tricolored treat is said to have been invented in Michigan. (By a beer maker no less.) So we Michiganders may have a soft spot for this confection. MORE
Great ice cream spots in Michigan
Michigan's Best ice cream parlor

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