Thursday, January 2, 2020 View Online
15 demographic trends that defined Michigan in the 2010s
It's a new year and seeing as the year is 2020, it's time to look back at the 2010s and how the decade impacted Michigan. Our state's population grew only slightly during the last 10 years. Officials expect the state will pass the 10-million mark for residents when this year's Census is complete. Fewer of Michigan's residents are getting married and having children. Crime is down but opioid overdoses are up. Those are just a few of the demographics that defined Michigan during the 2010s. MORE
7 economic trends that defined Michigan in the 2010s
9 trends in Michigan education in the 2010s

10 years, 10 changes: The state government's big decisions of the decade
A lot changes in a state government over the course of a decade. New leaders take over and important decisions are made that impact the population as a whole. The 2010s were no exception for Michigan's state government. From Right to Work to recreational marijuana, here's a look at some of the state's big changes in the past 10 years.  MORE
Gov. Whitmer caps off first year with budget compromise, no roads victory

10 tips for achieving a healthier lifestyle in 2020
If you are one to set a New Year's resolution, there is a good chance it has something to do with your health. More than half of all resolutions are are said to be health-focused. Whether you are looking to lose weight in 2020, lower your blood pressure or just feel generally healthier, we have some tips to help you achieve those goals this year. MORE
Psychiatric urgent care in Grand Rapids is drawing people from across the state

Michigan football can't hang with Alabama, drops Citrus Bowl
Michigan players were committed to putting their all into the Citrus Bowl, they repeated in the weeks leading up to the game against Alabama. In the first half, they looked poised to make it a close game. Then the Wolverines went completely scoreless in the second half while Alabama racked up points. To be sure, it was a disappointing season end down in Florida. MORE
Michigan falls to Alabama: Live updates recap

Michigan university releases Banished Words list for 2020
Tired of hearing the phrase "OK, boomer" constantly repeated? Well, you aren't alone, it seems, since it made Lake Superior State University's List of Banished Words for 2020. Each year, the college releases the list that includes nominated words or phrases deemed overused or frequently misused. While they can't force you to banish the words from your personal vocabulary, they do strongly recommend it.  MORE
Is 2020 really the start of a new decade? Some experts say 'no'
A look at Billboard's top 30 songs of the decade

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