Wednesday, June 13, 2018 View Online
Inner-city students awed by Lake Michigan in first trip to beach
Most Michiganders live within a 90-minute drive of a Great Lakes beach. So it is easy to forget (or maybe hard to believe) that some of our neighbors never have experienced the grandeur of the lakes. Such was the case for a group of fifth-graders from Grand Rapids Public Schools. The students took a field trip to P.J. Hoffmaster State Park, which hugs the Lake Michigan shoreline just south of Muskegon. The park is less than 40 miles from their school, but the trip gave some their first glimpse of Lake Michigan. They were amazed. Multimedia specialist Cory Morse was on hand to capture the joy. Kudos to those who helped these kids have an experience of a lifetime. MORE
 Video: Students enjoy euphoric Lake Michigan trip
Michigan's $56.8 billion budget tackles prisons, potholes and pot
The Michigan House and Senate on Tuesday approved the state budget for fiscal year 2019. There's plenty to sift through, with $56.8 billion being doled out. We'll leave the heavy lifting to Capitol reporter Emily Lawler, but will happily cherry-pick a few tasty tidbits. First, the budget spends slightly less than last year. Second, roads and schools see increased funding. Third, the budget shows $19.2 million in savings with the closure of a state prison. Fourth, while the budget easily passed in both chambers, it doesn't become law until Gov. Snyder signs it. MORE

Michigan counties with the highest, lowest birth rates
Michigan's 2016 birth rate matched its historic low going back to 1900 for the third time in five years. The birth rate - the number born for every 1,000 residents - is a good indicator of population growth or decline. Reporter Julie Mack takes a look at the birth rates of all 83 Michigan counties. Kent County and Schoolcraft County bookend the list. Care to wager which is on the high end and which is on the low end? MORE
 Michigan birth rate ties record low (with database search)

Detroit Tigers have 5 players worthy of All-Star game consideration
Every MLB team gets at least one All-Star every year. It is one of the beautiful things about America's pastime. (We aren't going stop calling it that until they make us!) So, even fans of the worst teams have a rooting interest in the annual All-Star game. The Detroit Tigers certainly aren't the worst team in the league. However, they do lack star power so there is little chance a Tiger will win an automatic spot via fan voting. Tigers' beat writer Evan Woodbery makes a case for five players who could represent the Tigers in the July 17 game in Washington, D.C. MORE
Cabrera leaves Tuesday's game, out for season

Tornado numbers way down across U.S.
Where have all the tornadoes gone? Not that we are missing 'em. But it is odd that we are in the midst of tornado season in the U.S. and we've had about half the average we usually experience. MLive chief meteorologist Mark Torregrossa has a couple of theories: A reduction in Pacific Ocean storms, and northwest air flow rather than southwest air flow. (He gives more robust explanations in his story!) We suppose, though, the main takeaway is let's enjoy the dearth whilst it lasts. MORE
 2 weak tornadoes hit just south of Michigan border
 Video: Michigan's tornado alley

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