Monday, February 17, 2020 View Online
shoveling snow
Intense polar vortex has no sign of disruption. But what does that really mean?
When the words "intense polar vortex" come across your screen in mid-February, real fear sets in. We're at the point in our Michigan winter when just the thought of tons more snow, and shoveling, and bitter winds is wearing, so it's understandable. But there's a twist! This polar vortex is not here to ruin your life. It's spinning so fast at its center that it's actually keeping the arctic air locked up and away from us. In fact, if this polar vortex doesn't break down, we might be (knock on wood) saying goodbye to winter. We see you, Punxsutawney Phil. MORE
Arctic cold creates "cloud streets" across Great Lakes

Soo lock debris  
600,000 pounds of debris found at bottom of empty Soo Locks
Working the winter maintenance season at Michigan's Soo Locks is not on the list of most enviable jobs. In late January, the Poe Lock - the system's largest lock - was shut down and emptied of all of its water so inspections could be done and repairs made. And what did that reveal? So far, more than 600,000 pounds of debris that has to be cleared away. Some of it a shovelful at a time. So what is all this debris? MORE
See inside the empty Poe Lock
ice balls  
Thousands of ice balls washing ashore along Lake Michigan
The conditions were just perfect for the creation of one of Michigan's coolest winter phenomenon. Combine lake-effect snow with plunging temperatures. Mix in a little wave action and voila: ice balls! Thousands of them are washing up on the shores of Lake Michigan. From Holland State Park to the beaches of Leelanau County, people are flocking to get a glimpse of these icy cannon balls. MORE
Check out the creations from one of Michigan's largest ice sculpture festivals

Emoni Bates Fsta
A night at the Emoni Bates show
Before he ever played played a high school basketball game for Ypsilanti Lincoln, the Emoni Bates hype train had left the station. On a recent Friday night, even the mayor of the city had to be there. She couldn't not be there to witness what she admits has been a pick-me-up for the community. "We have a genuine phenomenon on an already amazing team that is just rocking the world." Take in what can not easily be described: A night at the Emoni Bates show. MORE
Watch Bates rack up 42 points in one game
Watch Bates put on a show against Benton Harbor

Sleeping Bear Dunes  
What's the most beautiful thing about Michigan?
It's the dead of winter. Your friends who live in warmer states keep asking you: "How can you possibly live in Michigan?" There are no shortage of answers. You go on and on about the summers. You regale them with stories about Sleeping Bear Dunes and your last wine-tasting trip through Leelanau County. You attempt to describe the U.P. But what really is the most beautiful thing about Michigan? MORE
Sleeping Bear Dunes is home to TWO kinds of flying squirrels
How to have the ultimate day in Petoskey

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