Tuesday, October 9, 2018 View Online
People facing homelessness discouraged by cost of housing in Ann Arbor 
Affordable housing is a real issue in many Michigan cities. Quality housing stock is low and rents are high. MLive reporter Lauren Slagter delves into the homelessness situation in Ann Arbor. Slagter visited with a former Ann Arbor city parks ranger and a 15-year Ann Arbor resident who both are facing housing challenges. Data suggests homelessness numbers are down in Washtenaw County. However, sometimes the numbers fail to tell the entire story. MORE
Washtenaw County shelters still full though homelessness is down
Why I'm homeless: 7 stories from Kalamazoo's homeless community
Compare Ann Arbor home prices to other tech cities
Project aims to ease affordable housing 'crisis' for one GR school
6 facts about distracted-driving crashes in Michigan
Ever notice a vehicle swerving on the road only to see the driver peering down at their phone? You are not alone. Like a dog losing its focus when a squirrel scampers across the lawn, some drivers just can't ignore the chirp of their cell phones while behind the wheel. It is a dangerous habit that played a big part in the more than 20,000 distracted driver accidents in 2017 in Michigan. That's about twice as many collisions attributed to drunken driving. MORE
8 things to know about Michigan deer-vehicle crashes

Fall color bursts in U.P. as Michigan braces for wild temperature swing
If not for a few trees turning color, most of us in the Lower Peninsula could easily confuse this week's warm temperatures for mid July rather than early October. But the cold weather is coming, folks. Just give it a few days. And with it will come a burst of autumn colors. The fall colors are in peak bloom in the western Upper Peninsula right now. MLive chief meteorologist Mark Torregrossa has the updated march of the fall colors for the rest of the state.  

Michigan going from summer to frost this week

Report card time for your 2018 Detroit Tigers
It's a week of reflection here at MLive on our beloved Detroit Tigers. First, Evan Woodbery has handed out his final grades on this year's squad. The overall report card isn't great, but there are some passing grades to build on for next season. Then, jump into the way-back machine with us Wednesday as we relive Game 7 of the 1968 World Series. (Not to spoil it, but the Tigers win.) MORE
Gardenhire wants renewed commitment to fundamentals
Tigers fans, relive Game 7 of 1968 World Series as it unfolds

Our 40 finalists in our BBQ search in photos
The search for Michigan's Best BBQ is over. We've criss crossed the state, sampled all the goodies and licked our fingers (and sometimes plates) clean. Now to make our final decisions as we consult our BBQ sauce stained notebooks. You can expect John Gonzalez and Amy Sherman to reveal the search results later this week. Until then, here are pictures of the establishments they visited during their search. Enjoy! MORE
Michigan's Best BBQ search

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