Thursday, May 24, 2018 View Online
Michigan Beyond: Couple battles obstacles to return to college
Brenton Coderre and Susan Lynn realized they weren't on the right path. They both had jobs, but neither had a clear path toward meaningful advancement and raises in their respective lines of work. And when their kids started coming, the couple knew something had to be done. So here they are, Coderre, 36, and Lynn, 38, now are full-time students in the midst of pursuing college degrees - a challenge they both left behind in their 20s. They are not alone. About 24 percent of Michiganders age 25 and older started college and never finished. Another 38 percent never have enrolled at all. That means nearly two-thirds of Michigan adults lack a college degree, at a time which the wage differential between those with degrees and those without is growing. MORE
 For too many Michigan college students, a degree is elusive
 Compare your salary to people with your same education level  
 More Michigan Beyond 
Inside the world of body brokers and organ donations
There is very little oversight in the macabre world of body brokers. The recent federal case against Arthur Rathburn underscores that maybe there needs to be more. MLive public safety reporter Gus Burns takes a look at the industry, including Rathburn who was handed a nine-year prison sentence this year for fraud. At Rathburn's sentencing, a U.S. prosecutor said he hoped "unscrupulous individuals like Rathburn" were not the norm. And organ donation program managers at the University of Michigan and Wayne State University said unethical behavior in the industry is rare. However, when money is involved, there is always room for corruption. MORE

New sculpture turns heads in downtown Detroit
Here's a fun question: What is art? Is it a search for beauty? A display of skill? An imitation of reality? Deep stuff. We'll settle for the simple answer. Art is whatever an artist says it is. We won't always get it. But we don't always have to, either. Brooklyn artist KAWS unveiled his latest work this week in downtown Detroit. The sculpture of a parent and a child stands sentry in front of the One Campus Martius building. The 17-foot-tall work features the artist's signature Xs for eyes. MORE        

NFL revises player conduct policy in regards to national anthem
The NFL has been dealing with the political hot potato of players kneeling during the national anthem before games for two years. The league hopes a revised player conduct policy helps put the issue to rest. The main updates: 1) All players on the field must stand for the anthem. 2) Players may chose not to stand for the anthem, but must not take the field until the anthem concludes. 3) Clubs with players who kneel on the field during the anthem will be fined. Whether these changes take the politics out of the pigskin remains to be seen. MORE
 How do you rate the NFL's new national anthem player policy?  

The old-growth forest of Hartwick Pines is a summer must-visit
Up North there is a place. It is a magical place. It is an unspoiled place. It is called Hartwick Pines State Park. This 10,000 acre swath of land about an hour south of the Bridge features the largest tract of old-growth forest in the Lower Peninsula. It is something to behold, walking among the trees that have never known the defilement of the axes and saws of the lumbering era. If admiring some of Michigan's largest trees isn't enough, MLive life and culture reporter Emily Bingham has a list of six other reasons to visit this gem of a park. MORE  

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