Tuesday, April 10, 2018 View Online
Michigan milk supply glut takes toll as dairy farm closes, sells off herd
Daybreak Dairy in Ottawa County wasn't a large dairy farm by industry standards with its herd of 230 milking cows. But it was recognized as one of the state's best. Unfortunately, the vagaries of supply and demand turned the ledger sour, and owner Nate Elzinga recently was forced to sell. Michigan's dairy industry is as robust as ever, but an over-supply of milk has driven prices down, which is great for consumers but not so much for farmers. "We just aren't getting paid enough for our milk," Elzinga said. MORE 
 Video: Dairy farmer sells cows at auction  
'Concerns' about MSU dean Strampel raised in 2004 memo to Simon
Information continues to trickle out of East Lansing in relation to the Larry Nassar sexual abuse scandal at Michigan State University. A recently released memo from 2004 raises concerns about Nassar's former boss Larry Strampel, who was arrested last month on four counts of misconduct. The memo, which details questionable remarks made by Strampel to students during an MSU event, was sent to former MSU president Lou Anna K. Simon, who was provost at the time. MORE 
► Lawsuit claims 3 MSU basketball players raped woman

See how graduates from your Michigan high school fare in college
MLive impact team reporter Julie Mack is delving into the numbers again. This time she takes a deeper dive into how Michigan public high school grads do in college. A couple of takeaways: It takes most students more than four years to earn a college degree, and income disparity and race play important roles in program completion rates. Check out the handy online database which allows you to search results for graduating classes from 2009 to 2016. MORE  

Bo highlights U-M football Mount Rushmore
When trying to pick the four greatest Michigan football personalities of all time, you're bound to run into a debate or two. However, we made it simple when making our picks for the Mount Rushmore of U-M football: Start with Bo Schembechler, then add the program's three Heisman Trophy winners. But, gosh, there sure are a lot of quality candidates to choose from! We break down the resumés of our top four and 40 other worthy Wolverines. MORE 
 Mount Rushmore of MSU football

Star gazing parties set at Sleeping Bear Dunes 
There's few better ways to stir the imagination than staring at a star-studded night sky. Light pollution keeps many of us city mice from the full grandeur of the cosmos on a night-to-night basis. However, it certainly makes those moments when we can get away and spend a few hours looking up all the more special. We suggest making a pilgrimage to Sleeping Bear Dunes this year to stand in wonder at the heavenly bodies that surround us. MORE

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