Friday, December 21, 2018 View Online
In marathon lame duck session, Michigan lawmakers approve $1.3B in new spending
Michigan lawmakers worked into the early morning hours Friday as they approved $1.3B in new spending during a lame duck session. The funds will go toward roads, water quality and schools. Education, though, also was the target of a tax shift during the session. As legislators voted to legalize online gambling, they decided to divert increased funding from that endeavor away from schools. Instead, it will be split between road work and toxic site cleanups. The new legislation now heads to the desk of Gov. Rick Snyder. MORE
Tax shift nixes school increase, puts money toward toxic cleanups and roads
Michigan Senate votes to legalize online gambling
In rare move, DEQ staff urge veto on weakened cleanup law
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality staff members took the rare step of publicly opposing lame duck legislation this week. Eighty-two DEQ staff members sent Gov. Rick Snyder a signed letter requesting he veto Senate Bill 1244. The state employees said the bill has "no basis in the protection of health and the environment." MORE
Gov. Snyder finalizes Line 5 tunnel deal
Detroit's Metropolitan Building gets new life after 40 years vacant
Another former eyesore in downtown Detroit has a new lease on life. The Metropolitan Building opened its grand lobby this week for the first time in 40 years. It took $33 million and more than a year to restore the stately structure. The Metropolitan will house a hotel, restaurants and retail space. We have some impressive before and after pictures for your viewing pleasure.

Detroit's building boom: Is it the peak or is it just beginning?
Ford paid $90 million for once-doomed Central Station

MLive's Big Ten bowl picks: Get 'em before we're proven wrong!
Great news Big Ten Conference! We are picking against you, which means you should do pretty well this bowl season. (We mean, it's really hard to post a sub-.400 correct picks mark. But during this past regular season, we made it look easy.) The only problem is that most prognosticators are going against the Big Ten, too. Something's gotta give, right?

More Spartans
More Wolverines
More Broncos

Vintage Michigan advertisements show what once lured shoppers
From the creepy to the cute, the simple to the silly, these vintage Michigan ads show just how much has changed over the years. Take a trip down memory lane (okay, you won't actually remember any of these ads from the 1800s) to see the artwork that was used to sell Michigan-made products to the masses. This collection showcases ads that were called "trade cards." Many people collected these at the time and, luckily, someone hung on to these gems so we can share them with you. MORE
Classic Detroit TV commercials we will never forget

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