Thursday, May 7, 2020 View Online
Closed sign
Michigan's approach to reopening the economy: Slow, steady and safe
If you are curious about exactly how Michigan's economy will reopen, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has provided a detailed plan called "MI Safe Start." It separates businesses into categories and the state into regions. Businesses will open incrementally based on those classifications, linked to the risk each one presents of spreading the coronavirus. Whitmer already relaxed some restrictions, allowing real estate, construction and landscaping to resume. What comes next? That all depends on what the experts say. But one thing is for sure: The economy won't be flipped back on in one motion like a light switch. It will be a slower process. MORE
Michigan hits 4,250 coronavirus deaths, more than all of Canada
Coronavirus continues to disrupt mail service in parts of Michigan

Republican legislators  
5 reasons Michigan lawmakers are suing Gov. Gretchen Whitmer
Yesterday, Republican legislative leaders announced that the Michigan House and Senate are suing Gov. Gretchen Whitmer for extending the coronavirus state of emergency without their approval. Whitmer and the Republicans who control the Michigan legislature disagree about whether or not a governor has the authority to do so. Now it's up to the courts to decide. MORE
Michigan House, Senate sue Whitmer over state of emergency
Detroit rapper donates 'Big Gretch' Buffs fund after Whitmer says she can't accept glasses
Turnip Rocks  
Dreaming of Michigan: Port Austin, quiet beauty in the Thumb
We are missing some of our favorite Michigan places. That includes Port Austin, a destination at the tip of the Thumb that really rocks. You know, like Turnip Rock. If you haven't seen it, you need to check it out. Just not right now. We can always dream, though, right? And we are doing just that. Here are the dreamy reasons we love Port Austin and its Lake Huron shoreline. MORE
Dreaming of Michigan: Alpena, Michigan's Sunrise Coast gem

man shoveling snow Fsta
Welcome back, winter: Arctic cold, possible snow this weekend
If you stored your winter coat away for the year, you might want to dig it out of the closet. This weekend is going to be cold. And, yes, it might even snow. That means the shovel shouldn't get the storage treatment just yet either. Did no one tell Mother Nature it's May? Luckily, it looks like the ground will be too warm for anything to really stick. So maybe you can tell your shovel to "shove off" after all. MORE
Great Lakes region getting late spring, leaf map shows

Map of COVID-19 cases  
We tracked the spread of coronavirus in Michigan. Here's an animated map
Eight weeks ago, the state's first coronavirus cases were confirmed. Since then, the virus has spread, with more than 45,000 now confirmed throughout Michigan. We tracked the spread of COVID-19 and made an animated map that illustrates the path of the virus. It shows the numbers have grown the most in heavily populated areas, while the Upper Peninsula still has a few counties without any cases.  MORE
U.P.'s painful dilemma: Almost no coronavirus, but at what cost?

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