Tuesday, April 17, 2018 View Online
MLive opens election year dialogue with Michigan Beyond 2018 campaign
Where are we now as a state and where are we going? During this important 2018 election year, these are two of the key questions all Michiganders face. MLive would like to facilitate this debate with a call to our readers to share their stories and add their voices to the conversation. On Monday, MLive's Vice President of Content John Hiner announced a new series of stories called Michigan Beyond 2018. This series will explore ways to get Michigan back on track by focusing on solutions to the problems facing our state's economy, education, infrastructure and politics. Please join us in taking an active role in sparking a true Michigan comeback. MORE
 How can we save our state with the middle class vanishing?
Michigan runner first U.S. woman to win Boston Marathon in 33 years
Desiree Linden, of Rochester Hills, didn't think she was going to finish Monday's Boston Marathon. It was bitterly cold out and a heavy rain fell throughout the day. No one would have blamed her for dropping out. Linden even slowed down midway through the race to help a competitor rejoin the main pack. It turns out, a little sportsmanship and a lot of perseverance can go a long way, as Linden became the first American woman to win the race since 1985. MORE

When will it finally feel like spring?
MLive chief meteorologist Mark Torregrossa knows what we're all pining for: An end to the six-month war winter has been waging on us. Well, it seems Mark T has some good news for us. After enduring last weekend's snow and ice event, it looks as if a return to more normal temperatures is only a few sunrises away. Heck, it's been this long, we can wait a few more days to see some tulips. MORE 

Fortune 500 company behind Burton project revealed
It turns out the company behind the secretive $45 million development in Genesee County is none other than one of Michigan's own: General Motors. Why didn't you just say so, GM? Sure, maybe the silence added to the mystery of the project, which if given the green light, could provide upwards of 800 jobs. However, numbers like that create enough buzz on their own! MORE

Gov. Snyder releases school safety plan 
Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder is calling for $24 million to improve school safety. His plan focuses on security systems, staff training and student support. The bulk of the funding - $20 million - is targeted at building upgrades, with the majority of the costs covered in the 2019 state budget. Snyder's plan is different from a recent plan proposed by a coalition of law enforcement and school administrators, which recommended $100 million in spending on the issue. MORE

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