Tuesday, April 14, 2020 View Online
'I just had to tell myself that she was OK,' mom with COVID-19 says of giving birth
Mallory Pease had been short of breath for a good chunk of her pregnancy. Then, a week before her due date, the Michigan woman got a sore throat. Then came a fever and a cough. Pease ran out of breath simply trying to walk up a flight of stairs. After giving birth in late March, she was tested for COVID-19 and put into isolation. The mom was separated from her newborn for 10 days. Luckily, little Alivia tested negative for the virus. "I kept telling myself, 'Better me than her,'" Pease said. "That was probably the only thing keeping me sane." MORE
Southwest Michigan nurse heads to New York City to fight coronavirus
Michigan health care system launches study testing for coronavirus antibodies

Golfers at country club not violating governor's orders, prosecutor says
A photo of golfers crowding a Grand Rapids-area country club golf course caused a stir on social media recently. Many who commented on the photo were certain the golfing was against the rules established in Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's Stay Home, Stay Safe executive order. The Kent County prosecutor has now weighed in with an explanation of why golfers are not violating the order by teeing off at the club. MORE
Michigan golfers banned from using Toledo golf courses
Course owners, workers feel financial pinch with golf industry shut down
Capitol building  
Michigan senator calls for state employee layoffs to balance budget
Jim Stamas, chairman of the Michigan Senate Appropriations Committee, is urging Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to lay off "non-essential" state employees to help limit the financial strain caused by COVID-19. The Midland Republican also echoed the sentiments of some of his colleagues by calling Whitmer's stay-home order "excessively restrictive." MORE
Whitmer on frustrations over stay-home order: 'We will get through this'
Group trying to get LGBT initiative on ballot will collect electronic signatures

Singing nurse Fsta
Michigan nurse sings 'Amazing Grace' on 'Good Morning America'
During a shift break last week, Lori Marie Kay was recorded by a coworker as she sang "Amazing Grace" at the hospital where she works in Livonia. The video got so much attention that Kay was asked to sing for viewers of "Good Morning America." She isn't the only musical Michigander using her skills to spread positive energy to those around her. A Bay City music teacher and her sons are having nightly concerts from their front porch. MORE
Bay City music teacher performing songs from her porch to cheer up the neighborhood

Parents, we want to hear how your family is dealing with social isolation
Most family units are used to interacting with others outside the home. Kids get to see classmates and friends. Adults see coworkers. That's not happening right now, as Michiganders distance themselves. We want to hear from parents -- how is your family responding to social isolation during the coronavirus pandemic? Record a short video and send it into us. MORE
High school seniors discuss what they'll miss most after Michigan schools shut down

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