December 16, 2021 Most Michiganders have a pessimistic view of the national economy, but a new survey finds when they check their personal bank accounts not much has changed. The Detroit Regional Chamber surveyed 600 Michigan voters about the strength of the economy, personal finances and concerns around inflation. When asked if the national economy is on the right or wrong track, 63% of respondents answered the economy was going in the wrong direction. Predictions for the upcoming year were equally as bleak as 37.5% answered they expect the economy to get worse. But when it came to questions about their own finances, the results were interesting ( as was the breakdown between economic opinions and political parties). READ MORE ►Shop early or risk missing out: Michigan retailers say there won’t be a holiday restock Michigan lawmakers approved a $1 billion investment in new government-backed incentives Tuesday evening, finalizing an effort to entice large businesses to invest in the state. Senate Bill 85 deposits $1 billion in state general fund dollars into the newly-created Strategic Outreach and Attraction Reserve Fund, the funding mechanism for an initiative to offer incentives for businesses interested in building new manufacturing or commercial sites and creating jobs. READ MORE Contaminated and potentially unsafe marijuana may be for sale in Michigan. And it’s no secret. The Marijuana Regulatory Agency (MRA) on Tuesday, Dec. 14, released for sale an unknown quantity of marijuana that failed testing for unacceptably high levels of mold, yeast or fungi, including possible pathogens, like aspergillus, according to an email that was obtained from the MRA through a Freedom of Information Act request. WE HAVE THE SCOOP Being active is a great way to beat the winter blues -- and learning a new skill can help you embrace the season even further. The Michigan Department of Natural Resources’ Outdoor Skills Academy offers instruction, gear and hands-on learning for a range of seasonal outdoor activities. This winter you’ll find workshops in ice fishing, snowshoe building, and feeding backyard winter birds. READ MORE ►U.P.’s Copper Harbor ranked as top ice fishing destination for 2022 UM flips a kid who was headed to Notre Dame. Michigan State watches a 5-star get in front of his whole school and announce....that he won't be making an announcement. High school kids across Michigan made it official where they'll be playing football next year (or at least, until they head to the transfer portal later). Ahh, signing day, some of the best reality TV out there. ►Michigan football signing day info, stars, flips Get your local news 24/7 Connect with MLive To ensure receipt of our emails, please add newsletters@update.mlive to your address book or safe sender list. |