Tuesday, June 19, 2018 View Online
U.S. Secretary of State talks North Korea, China and NAFTA during Ford Field visit
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo addressed the Detroit Economic Club on Monday, touching on a number of important topics. Pompeo, the former CIA director and Kansas congressman, has been in his new role since April. He echoed President Donald Trump's sentiments toward North Korea, China and NAFTA, among other topics. He said Trump's summit with North Korea's Kim Jong-un succeeded in "economic diplomacy," and pushed the "America First" theme in speaking against China and NAFTA. Pompeo also lauded Detroit's economic comeback. MORE
Jeffrey Willis tearfully declares innocence in Heeringa death
Jeffrey Willis blamed everyone but himself during a rambling speech Monday before his sentencing in the kidnap and murder of Jessica Heeringa. Willis blamed law enforcement officials for framing him. He accused his lawyers and the system of not giving him a fair trial. He blamed the media for purposely spreading inaccurate information. Willis, who already is serving a mandatory life sentence for the murder of jogger Rebekah Bletsch, was again sentenced to life in prison without parole. MORE

10 reasons Ford should be excited to come to Detroit's Corktown
Ford Motor Co. last week finalized the purchase of the iconic and dilapidated Michigan Central Station. The move comes on the heals of the company moving its autonomous and electric vehicle division to Detroit's Corktown neighborhood. Ahead of today's formal announcement of Ford's plans for the station, the neighborhood and its return to Detroit, we've compiled 10 great reasons the company and its employees can get excited about. MORE

Photo surfaces of new blue end zone at Michigan Stadium
The rumors are true. The University of Michigan is going blue with its end zones at Michigan Stadium. While U-M purists might cry foul, we applaud the move. We'll admit, though, first hearing the news made us think of Boise State's Smurf-blue turf. Michigan took a more classy route with its classic block maize lettering "Michigan" on a field of blue. We can't wait for that first Wolverine touchdown this fall. MORE
 U-M receivers poised for big leap

The ultimate guide to Electric Forest 2018
Double JJ Resort in Rothbury once again is ground zero beginning this week for outdoor music festival enthusiasts. Electric Forest 2018 kicks off Thursday with the first of back-to-back weekends of eclectic music, people and experiences. We've got you covered with a rundown of everything you need to know and a list of what you need to bring if you plan on attending, or are wondering what the fuss is all about. We've also included a handy, dandy, daily schedule of all the events at all the venues on site. Enjoy! MORE

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