Monday, April 30, 2018 View Online
Trump professes love for Michigan during stirring campaign rally
President Donald Trump spurned Saturday's annual White House Correspondents' Dinner in Washington, D.C. in favor of spending a chilly spring evening with thousands of his supporters - and a smattering of his detractors - in Washington, Michigan. The President stuck to his guns during an 80-minute campaign-rally speech in Macomb County - lashing out at Democrats, touting his achievements and heaping praise and love on the hardworking people of this state. Basically, Mr. Trump delivered in spades all that the pro-Trump crowd gathered to hear him say. MORE
 Five quotes from Trump's Michigan speech
 Video: Thousands of Trump supporters gather for rally 
Mostly positive reviews of Detroit Lions 2018 draft
The circus that is the NFL Draft ended Saturday after three days of wheeling and dealing and pick-selecting. At first blush, the Detroit Lions seem to have conducted themselves rather smartly. The Lions focused on offense throughout, going with high-value picks in an earnest effort to shore up their deficient running game. However, critics suggested Detroit failed to adequately address some glaring needs on defense. We're happy to remind fans that one draft wasn't going to patch all the holes on this squad. And, at the end of the week, this team is markedly better than it was just a few days ago. MORE
 Lions draft recap
 Rate the Lions draft
 Lions podcast  

Laura Bell stepping down as CEO of Bell's Brewery
Bell's Brewery is the seventh-largest craft brewery in the country. So, it certainly gives us pause when there's a leadership change behind some of our favorite brews - of course, we're thinking of full pours of Two Hearted and Oberon. Laura Bell, the daughter of founder Larry Bell, has decided to step down from her roll as CEO in May, 15 months after she took over. We lift our pints to Laura, as she plans her next career move, and we welcome back Larry, who returns to his former position. Click the link to see what else is brewing within the Michigan beer scene. MORE   

Michigan football team spends day in Normandy
The Michigan football team is on its third annual trip to Europe. This year's destination is Paris, France, which allowed for Sunday's solemn visit to Normandy. Among the activities, the team paid respects during an emotional gathering at an American military cemetery. Coach Jim Harbaugh's father, Jack, called the experience "tremendously sobering." MORE
 Harbaugh suggests ways to fix college transfer system

Euchre isn't the only card game Michiganders need to know
If you read that headline and already are lost, we've heard of some lovely property in Ohio for you to look into. Because, well, it's time for you to stop reading this newsletter and go. Do not pass a Michigan Welcome Center on your way across the border. For the rest of you still reading, euchre clearly is an awesome game, but camping trips and deer camp wouldn't be the same without Michigan rummy. Jessica Shepherd reminds us of the somewhat forgotten game that bears our state's name. (And, FYI, there's no such thing as lovely property in that state down south.) MORE  

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