Friday, May 1, 2020 View Online
Capitol protest
Protestors gather in Lansing to send lawmakers message on state of emergency
It's unusual these days to see groups of people gathering together, standing shoulder to shoulder. That was the scene on the Capitol lawn in Lansing Thursday, as protestors showed up again to voice their opposition to measures taken by the state government during the coronavirus pandemic. Handmade signs were waived, displaying words like "tyranny" and "freedom." There were armed militia members standing near a podium where speakers addressed the crowd. After the speakers got done, many moved inside the Michigan Capitol, packing in tight and jamming up the lobby. They chanted at lawmakers, who ultimately refused to extend the state of emergency. MORE
Protestors chant 'let us in' when blocked from House proceedings
Gov. Whitmer to legislature: Michigan is still in a state of emergency

Grand Rapids City Manager Mark Washington  
Michigan cities face big financial losses due to coronavirus
Just like the state government, Michigan's cities and other municipalities are facing a large financial blow as the result of the coronavirus crisis. Local government leaders within the state are predicting millions of dollars in tax revenue lost. Income tax, sales tax and gas tax revenues and all expected to drop. While worrying about the future, cities also have to focus on maintaining services for residents amid the pandemic. MORE
Ann Arbor's recovery from coronavirus 'will be a marathon:' City predicts huge revenue losses
U.P. has almost no coronavirus cases, but at what cost?
Beaumont sign  
Hospitals are needed now more than ever. Why are they laying off workers?
Hospital workers are on the front lines of the coronavirus pandemic, providing care to those battling the virus. But as those essential workers treat COVID-19 patients, other hospital employees are dealing with layoffs and furloughs. With non-emergency medical procedures paused during the crisis, hospitals are losing out on revenue. Strapped for cash, Michigan health care facilities are sending workers home. MORE
Michigan still 3rd in U.S. for most coronavirus deaths, with nearly 3,800
Michigan unemployment claims surpass 1.26M in 6 weeks

forecast Fsta
Michigan's weekend weather looks nearly perfect
It's been a wet, cold week in Michigan. Luckily, that isn't the case for the weekend. The forecast looks almost flawless, according to MLive Chief Meteorologist Mark Torregrossa. There is one chance of rain over the course of the weekend, but otherwise, we are looking at dry, warm weather. So, enjoy these lovely spring days, Michiganders. MORE
Michigan snow totals for the season: Who had the most? Who had the least?

Is it time to reconsider Michigan's bottle deposit law?
Do you have bottles and cans stacking up around the house or in your garage? You aren't alone. Under Michigan's stay-at-home order, no one can return the containers to collect those 10-cent deposits. The situation has some asking whether our system should even involve returning carbonated beverage containers to grocery stores. What do you think about Michigan's bottle deposit law? MORE
Cans pile up as bottle returns stay closed in Michigan

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