Friday, September 28, 2018 View Online
The eerie remnants of Boblo Island Amusement Park 25 years after its closing
Adults of a certain age have fond memories of Boblo Island Amusement Park. They recall boarding a ferry in Detroit and being whisked away to an isle of fun and excitement. There were roller coasters, a space needle, a theater, and a huge old dance hall that was built by Henry Ford in the 1920s. The park had a bit of everything. That is until it started to fall into disrepair and couldn't keep up with bigger, "better" amusement parks such as Cedar Point and Six Flags. The park closed for good in 1993, and all that remains are a few last vestiges of what once was. MLive haunting remnants beat writer Ed Pevos shows us what the park, and the island, look like today. MORE
The haunting insides of the abandoned Northville Psychiatric Hospital
Exploring Eloise Asylum with ghost hunters
See the damage caused this week by 3 tornadoes
Three tornadoes in southeast Michigan have been confirmed from Tuesday night's system that moved across the state with heavy rain and thunder. While the twisters all rated low on the intensity scale, they did uproot a number of trees and created a fair amount of havoc. We've compiled data on the touchdowns, including their damage paths and top speeds. MORE
Michigan weather

Some districts win, others lose when it comes to schools of choice
Michigan's Schools of Choice program has its champions and its detractors. Regardless of opinion, though, state data reveals there are real winners and losers with the program. While 42 percent of Michigan school districts last year experienced net student count increases due to enrolling out-of-district students, more than half of the state's school districts saw a net loss. You can access our online database to see how your school district faired. MORE
Districts with largest gains
Districts with largest losses

B1G predictions this week have U-M, MSU rolling to easy wins
Michigan State and Michigan each have one loss this year and three games to go before their Oct. 20 meeting in East Lansing. Is it too early to salivate over the prospect of our biggest in-state rivals meeting at Spartan Stadium with just a pair of losses between them and Big Ten title implications on the line? It is, you say? Take it one game at a time, you say? Stop trying to jinx our teams, you say? Darn. MORE
MSU's offensive line remains a work in progress
U-M's Hutchison isn't looking for praise, just results

These ArtPrize 2018 entries are looking for a reaction
Art is no slouch when it comes to stirring up controversy. And ArtPrize has been ground zero for a number of controversies over the years. It comes as no surprise then that ArtPrize 2018 has a fair share of entries that some may find disturbing, in poor taste, or in some other way controversial. That is kind of the awesome power of art. It can be beautiful. It can be provocative. It can be uncomfortable. It can be all three at the same time. Art is a reflection of us, and it comes with a kaleidoscope of outcomes from the artists' original intent to each individual reaction. MORE
Top 100 ArtPrize 2018 public vote favorites
ArtPrize 2018 jurors explain their 25 'shortlist' choices

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