Wednesday, March 14, 2018 View Online
Students across Michigan expected to walk out of class to protest gun violence in schools   
All across Michigan this morning, thousands of K-12 students are expected to participate in a national walk out against gun violence in schools and in honor of the 17 students who were killed during the February school shooting in Parkland, Florida. Upwards of 80 walkouts are planned in the state from Detroit to Grand Rapids to Traverse City. Several universities in Michigan also will participate. MORE
Father believes troubled son committed suicide-by-cop
Todd Marsh thought is son, Jaden, was only joking in his dark-humored way when he offhandedly suggested using a police officer as the means of his suicide. But now he believes those words were foreshadowing the events that unfolded early Monday morning which left his 16-year-old son dead in the street, killed by a bullet fired from a Midland policeman. MORE
Slain teen shot at cop with stolen gun

Lions get all defensive at start of NFL free agency period  
The Detroit Lions reportedly beefed up their defense Tuesday in reaching agreements with a pair of linebackers from outside the organization and retaining a pair of defense backs from last year's squad. Nothing is official until the new NFL season officially begins at 4 p.m. today. However, with so many league officials releasing the unofficial details of numerous signings across the league, it is safe to assume the Lions' deals are all but official. Follow MLive's Kyle Meinke and Nate Atkins for all your Lions coverage needs.

The American dream, five families and the house that embraces first-time owners
From the outside, it is a nondescript classic ranch-style home on a lovely tree-lined street. But this house has a story to tell, one it keeps reliving over and over - five times in all. It is a story of first-time home buyers in search of the American dream and the house at the beginning of each journey. MORE
Millennial couple puts down roots in GR

Go ahead and blame the East Coast for our wintry weather
How do warm Atlantic surface water temperatures off the coast of New England result in cold air from Canada crushing our dreams of spring in Michigan? MLive chief meteorologist Mark Torregrossa knows, and he loves explaining this stuff. Bottom line? We get to blame East Coasters and their seemingly never-ending string of nor'easters. Thanks chowderheads. (After that, read Torregrossa's post on graupel. Apparently, it's a thing.) MORE

