Wednesday, March 4, 2020 View Online
Super Tuesday
Super Tuesday delegates go mainly to Biden, Sanders while Bloomberg, Warren lag behind
Super Tuesday is now behind us and the difference in delegates has widened. U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren spent the night in Michigan, where she assured supporters she is staying in the race, despite a lackluster showing in the day's primaries. As 14 states and one territory went to the polls, Warren failed to come out on top in a single race -- including in her home state of Massachusetts. Former Vice President Joe Biden came out on top, winning the most states, while U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders also took home some victories. MORE
Elizabeth Warren to visit Lansing ahead of Michigan primary election
Bernie Sanders plans rallies in Detroit, Grand Rapids before primary

Michigan's Class of 2019 sets record for high school graduation rate
Michigan's high school graduation rate in 2019 hit a high. A higher percentage of public school students graduated on time last year than the state has recorded since data was first collected in 2008. Dropout rates are down as well, falling to 8.4%. If you want to see the graduation rates for your local districts, we have a database for that. MORE
Look up class of 2019 graduation rate for any Michigan high school
Sports betting could be available in Michigan before March Madness
Looking to place a bet or two during March Madness? You might just be able to here in Michigan. The catch? You will have to visit a casino. The Michigan Gaming Control Board is trying to get in-person sports betting up and running within the state ahead of the March 17 tournament start date. Online sports betting will take a little longer to get underway, as officials work to set rules for virtual bets. MORE
Obsessed with college hoops? Company will pay you $1,000 to binge-watch March Madness

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Warm forecast shows Great Lakes 'in the red' for the first part of March
If you are ready to spend time outside, this first part of March should be treating you well. We are in the midst of an on-and-off stretch of above-normal temperatures. Okay, it isn't beach weather or anything and the U.P. might not see as much of the warm-up as the Lower Peninsula, but you should be able to enjoy some time outdoors. MORE
Spring to get its earliest start in more than a century
Maple syrup-making weather returns to Michigan this week

Convinced she was going to die, woman learning to live with panic attacks
Hannah Wolfe was in 7th grade when she experienced her first panic attack. For more than a decade, she has been dealing with the attacks that leave her fighting to take a breath. As we discussed mental health with dozens of Michiganders this year, Wolfe was one of those willing to talk about how her anxiety has impacted her life. MORE
Read more about Hannah's story
Finding their voices: Michigan residents confront mental health

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