Wednesday, October 3, 2018 View Online
No fatalities as truck slams into group of protesters walking in street
A scary scene unfolded Tuesday morning in Flint when a pickup truck drove through a group of protesters. Thankfully, there were no fatalities, and all of the eight individuals taken to area hospitals were listed in good condition. Police are treating the incident as an accident, noting that it was dark out, the roadway was wet and the protesters were not holding flashlights or wearing reflective clothing while walking in the street. Democratic candidate for governor Gretchen Whitmer was marching at the head of the protest for $15 wages for fast food workers. She did not witness the accident. MORE
Truck smashes into group of protesters
Politicians among those arrested at Detroit protest to raise wages
Mayor, police did not know Flint protesters would be in street
Michigan finally gets its PFAS meeting
The Environmental Protection Agency is making good on a pledge to host a hearing in Michigan about PFAS contamination. Oddly, the hearing's agenda does not include a public comment section, unlike similar events held at five cities during the summer. On top of that, the hearing was announced with just a few days notice. The event is set for 1-3 p.m. this Friday at the Kalamazoo County Event Center. MORE
PFAS: Michigan's next water crisis
Complete coverage of PFAS in Michigan

ArtPrize's #MeToo-inspired pieces range from shocking to subtle
#MeToo-themed art has played a strong role in ArtPrize 2018. The works tackle aspects of sexual assault. Some are difficult to look at, while others display a softer tone. Each are powerful in their own way. Said artist Vanessa Filley: "I hope that #MeToo-inspired art supports the movement, helps the dialog move forward, allows people to enter the conversation in a new way and speaks to the change we want to see." MORE
ArtPrize 2018 
Meet the artists behind the public vote top 20

How one high school refused to let its football program die
So much gets written every season about the top teams. (Exhibit A: our weekly top 50 state football ranking.) But programs on the other end of the spectrum deserve some love, too. Players on struggling teams aren't playing for state titles, they are playing of the love of the game. Take the case of Burton Atherton. Low participation numbers forced the Wolverines to forfeit their first two games. But a dedicated core hasn't let the season slip away. The team might not win a game this year, but their season-long goal-line stand is nonetheless impressive. MORE
Michigan's top 50 prep football teams: Week 7
AP rankings
The 25 most surprising prep football teams for 2018

World's longest canopy walk is now in Michigan
Is Midland, Michigan at the top of the world? It sure does feel like it now that the world's longest elevated canopy walkway is located in the eastern Lower Peninsula city. The 1,400-foot treetop walkway at Whiting Forest overlooks dozens of acres of trees, ponds, meadows and even an apple orchard. Visitors who are eager to traverse the record-breaking walkway can do so when it opens to the public on Sunday. The renovated Whiting Forest also includes a new playground and cafe. MORE
The most unusual place in each of Michigan's 83 counties
Visit these 'world's largest' attractions in Michigan
A three-legged pedestrian bridge is the defining landmark of this Michigan city

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