Tuesday, July 30, 2019 View Online
From Trump country to the heart of 'Resist,' Michigan's landscape ahead of 2020 elections
In 2016, some were shocked when Michigan went red for Trump. Winning the state by a small margin, will the president have a chance of keeping Michigan in the Republican column when voters go to the polls next year? If you talk to some Michiganders, they want to "keep America great" by re-electing Trump. Others will tell you they are ready to vote for anyone but Trump. Polls say he is down by 8 percentage points in Michigan, but the polls were wrong last time. A hot, new swing state, the country has its eyes on Michigan and its Electoral College votes. MORE
 76 Michigan communities where Trump got at least 75% of vote in 2016
 Dethroned Michigan beauty queen joins Trump re-election campaign
 Detroit presidential debate 'do or die' for low-tier Democrats

Michigan may become first state to regulate GenX chemicals
The chemical dubbed GenX received national attention in 2017 when it was revealed that it was dumped into the Cape Fear River in North Carolina for decades. A replacement for the chemical PFOA, which is no longer used, scientists say GenX has been linked to similar adverse health effects, including cancer. Michigan could be the first state to regulate the chemical. MORE
You're concerned about PFAS. We have answers to your questions.

'He's coming,' husband told before delivering baby on freeway shoulder
The newest member of the VanDyke family won't win any awards for patience. Orion VanDyke couldn't wait for his parents, Jake and Chrissy, to make it to the hospital for his first appearance. He made his escape right on the side of I-96 with his dad conducting the delivery. Luckily, Jake had some help from a knowledgable 911 dispatcher. Welcome to the world (and Michigan!), Orion. MORE
Baby names for parents who really love Michigan

Worst season ever? It's a real possibility for the Detroit Tigers
You already know the Tigers are in rough shape, but do you know just how rough? We are now discussing the possibility that this will be the worst single season of baseball in Tigers history. The team could potentially break all kinds of records, but they aren't the kinds we want to break. So just how low can these guys go? We might not want to find out. MORE
Harold Castro a pleasant surprise in Tigers' season full of disappointments
20 lesser-known Michigan state parks you've been missing out on
Michigan has such a long list of lovely state parks. It's quite possible you have been missing out on the splendor of some lesser-known parks across our peninsulas. We picked 20 parks we think are underrated as one way to celebrate the centennial of our state parks system. Put them on your vacation list as a way to see more of Michigan this year and beyond. MORE
These are some of the most popular state parks in Michigan

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