Thursday, February 28, 2019 View Online
Would Whitmer's free-college plan improve graduation rates?
The short answer provided by experts to the question posed in the headline is: Probably. The long answer is: Yes, but not without some additional components. Governor Gretchen Whitmer has made it a goal to improve Michigan's college graduation rate from 44 percent to 60 percent by 2030. She has suggested reducing -- and in some cases eliminating -- tuition rates to entice more Michiganders to continue their education. We reached out to experts to get their take on the plan. Here's what they said: MORE
How Whitmer's scholarship plan would work for high school grads
Michigan community colleges ranked by enrollment

Upton, Amash cross the aisle to vote against Trump's declaration
A pair of Michigan Republicans voted Tuesday against President Donald Trump's emergency declaration to build a border wall. West Michigan congressmen Fred Upton and Justin Amash were among 13 House Republicans that voted in favor of a Democrat-led resolution against Trump's declaration. Both Upton and Amash defended their actions by expressing their shared belief that the President's action went against the Constitution. MORE 

UAW sues GM again over impending plant closings
The United Auto Workers is challenging General Motor's designs to close plants in Michigan, Ohio and Maryland. The UAW claims the closures are a breach of the collective bargaining agreement the two sides signed in 2015. The current agreement is up for renegotiation in less than a year. MORE
Trump praises Fiat Chrysler for $4.5 billion Michigan investment

This could be the Tigers' Opening Day lineup
We are only a week into spring training, and the Detroit Tigers' 25-man roster is, well, already pretty much decided. That seems rather quick for a rebuilding franchise with dwindling star power. But with the signing of Josh Harrison, and barring any injuries, there really are only a couple of spots up for debate. Beat writer Evan Woodbery takes an early crack at the group he thinks will head north with the big club in a couple weeks. MORE
 Notebook: Boyd won't back down and Nick gets a puppy

Snow takes a break, tags in cold as formidable duo has Michigan on the
The snow has moved off for the most part. Now comes the cold. At least we get to commiserate with 90 percent of the country as these colder than normal temps settle in for a stay across the vast majority of the U.S. We still are keeping an eye out for a potential winter storm this weekend. MLive chief meteorologist Mark Torregrossa will have the latest on that today.

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