Between the 2020 election, the Covid-19 pandemic, and even aliens and murder wasps (yes, that's a thing), we at Mediaite Green Room are making a change to our format, in the interest of getting the news to you faster and earlier.

Starting on Tuesday, May 5th, our afternoon briefing on the events of the media day will become a morning briefing, preparing you for what's ahead and making sure you haven't missed the latest news and information.

We hope you enjoy the change, and look forward to Green Roomer pastures ahead.

Media Winners & Losers

Mika Brzezinski

On Friday, MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski confronted former Vice President Joe Biden over his past comments on the sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, in light of Biden’s own denial of a sexual assault claim lodged against him by Tara Reade.

It was an aggressive interview, in the best journalistic sense of the word. She didn't let Biden slide past with quick or easy answers. Which is the right way to do it.

In fact, she delivered such a commanding performance that she was praised by both sides of the aisle over the weekend. 

In fact, she even got a glowing review from Fox News Channel.

Fox's host of Media Buzz Howard Kurtz said on Sunday that the MSNBC host's interview was "superb."

“She was prepared and she was relentless in following up: what about your papers?" said Kurtz.  

His guest, Fox News correspondent Gillian Turner, said it was "no softball interview."

This is how it is supposed to work. 
Lara Trump

Lara Trump drew both a great deal of bewilderment and a more than healthy dose of indignation over her reaction the Tara Reade accusation against former Vice President Joe Biden.

President Donald Trump’s daughter-in-law appeared with Fox News’ Jeanine Pirro on Saturday, and dragged Democrats for standing by Biden, saying that the “believe all women” maxim adhered to with Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh is not being applied now.

When Pirro asked Trump specifically about whether Biden should allow for his Senate records to be examined, Trump really stepped in it.

“I would think if you were being accused of something and you were totally innocent, you would go to any length possible, Judge, to try and clear your name including allowing people to open up files like that and make sure you’ve turned over every single leaf to prove your innocence," she said.

Needless to say, that appeal to transparency as virtue was met with no small degree of skepticism on social media. 

Unintended irony is no media win.

The A-Block

The Lincoln-Trump Debate

President Donald Trump sat down with Fox News’ Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum at the Lincoln Memorial for a townhall interview that aired Sunday evening, and once again remarked that he believes he is being treated “worse” than President Abraham Lincoln.

“They always say nobody got treated worse than Lincoln. I believe I am treated worse," said Trump of the Civil War president who was also assassinated.

Presidential historian Doris Goodwin on Monday reacted with disapproval. Because historian.

Breaking News

The story is breaking just as we are sending our newsletter that NBC News and MSNBC Chairman Andrew Lack has stepped down from his position.

Find all our stories about Andy Lack here.

Give Him a Break

No, like, an actual break. At least, that's what MSNBC's Morning Joe host thinks is the right prescription for what ails Trump and the United States. 

Trump started off May the 4th on Twitter, and he went after Joe Scarborough in a particularly vicious way, calling him "psycho" and suggesting Scarborough be investigated again in the death of his intern.

“You, once again, drag a family through this and make them relive it again, just like Seth Rich’s parents," said Scarborough in an on-air response. "You need to take a rest. You need to let Mike Pence actually run things for the next couple of weeks. Come back when you’re feeling a little better and when you can really actually focus on your job. You just can’t do that right now. Americans are dying every day because of it."

Murder hornets

This is so unbelievably 2020 that it's totally and completely believable. Not to mention strange but true.

On top of everything else going on, we now have to worry about “murder hornets,” a variety of giant hornets native to Asia that have recently made their way to the United States.

And yes, they deserve the name.

Speaking of Murder

Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Monday said he would support fining people who fail to wear face masks in public, saying they could “literally kill someone.”

“You don’t wear a mask for you. You wear a mask to protect me. I wear a mask to protect you," said Cuomo. "We owe each other a certain amount of reasonableness and respect in society."

Dr. Deborah Birx, of the coronavirus task force assembled by President Trump and overseen by Vice President Mike Pence, agrees. And she is particularly concerned at the unmasked attendees, who also aren't even practicing social distancing in the protests against lockdowns.

"It’s devastatingly worrisome to me," she said.

Us too.

With regard to Pence ... and masks

Vice President Pence acknowledged that he should have worn a face mask last week during his widely-criticized visit to the Mayo Clinic, in a rare instance of public figure simply saying they were wrong.

Good for him. We could use more of that.

An awkward comparison

DNC Chair Tom Perez defended Joe Biden Sunday morning from former staffer Tara Reade’s allegation of sexual assault against the then-Delaware senator.

ABC's Martha Raddatz spoke with Perez, who said that Biden has been "forceful" about his innocence. He also compared the story to the Hillary Clinton email story in 2016.

CNN Tauntnight

Don Lemon went after Donald Trump with an intense monologue on Sunday's CNN Tonight, asking why he is obsessed with his predecessor, Barack Obama.

"Is it because he’s smarter than you? Better educated? Made it on his own? Didn’t need daddy’s help? Wife is more accomplished? Better looking?" said Lemon, who was just warming up.

Bad Good News?

"Darwin sails again": Carnival Cruise Line has announced that they will resume cruises again beginning this August. That news coming during the pandemic which has famously featured quarantined cruise ships with big outbreaks.

The plan prompted anger and confusion among Twitter users wondering why.

Must-See Clip of the Day

Tiger Faking

Tiger King’s Carole Baskin thought she was doing one of her first national TV interviews on The Tonight Show last week — but the Q&A on Zoom wasn't really with Jimmy Fallon. It was a prank.

Famous YouTubers Josh Pieters and Archie Manners posted Baskin’s interview online Sunday afternoon.

It's as weird as you think.

Links We Like

COVID-19 and the Butterfield Effect
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The standard applied to Biden is the right one
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Global backlash builds against china over coronavirus
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Americans will continue to suffer. Will Trump?
- via The Guardian
Stacey Abrams's embarrassing campaign for Vice President
- via Washington Examiner
Canada succeeded on coronavirus where America failed. Why?
- via Vox
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