Hi John, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison says the government would not be looking to use location data to track people anonymously in order to find out if they are following the rules which have been put in place to keep the coronavirus pandemic in check within the country.
The Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association (AMTA) and telecommunications lobby group Communications Alliance have issued the first edition of Keeping Australians Connected, providing guidance and industry advice around the delivery of telecommunications services in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The chief of Australia’s competition watchdog, the ACCC, Rod Sims, says competition has a critical role to play in getting the economy running efficiently again post the COVID-19 pandemic and economic crisis. Expenditure by end users on IT infrastructure — server and enterprise storage systems — will decline in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic, the global market intelligence firm IDC says. Researchers from the Russian security firm Kaspersky say they have found a watering hole that uses a full remote iOS exploit chain to deploy an implant named LightSpy. Cyber attackers are definitely going to be targeting VPNs as a means of accessing users' PCs during this period when the number who are working from home has risen exponentially, Carolyn Crandall, chief deception officer of Attivo Networks which describes itself as a leader in deception for cyber security defence.
And of course, there's plenty more so for all the news visit www.itwire.com. Have a great day! Stan Beer, Editor in Chief, iTWire ADVERTISE IN THIS NEWSLETTER & iTWire.com Contact: andrew.matler@itwire.com 0412 390 000