Mortgage application activity recovered nicely last week from a downturn during the previous holiday-shortened week, helped by a temporary drop in interest rates. The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) said its Market Composite Index, a measure of mortgage application volume, increased 15.6 percent on a seasonally adjusted basis and was 26.0 percent higher on an unadjusted basis. The Refinance Index jumped 28.0 percent from the previous week and was also 28 percent above its level the same week one year ago. The refinance share of applications increased to 35.2 percent from 31.1 percent the previous week. [refiappschart] Applications for home purchases rose for the first time since May 3. The seasonally adjusted Purchase Index increased 9.0 percent and was 19.0 percent higher before adjustment. The index is still 12.0 percent lower than during the same week in 2023. [purchaseappschart] “Mortgage rates were trending lower over the course of last week until a stronger than anticipated employment report resulted in a bounce back, with the weekly average for the 30-year fixed mortgage rate decreasing to 7.02 percent,” said Mike Fratantoni, MBA’s SVP and Chief Economist. “ Lower rates earlier in the week meant a strong increase in refinance activity , particularly for VA borrowers, who jumped on the chance to lower their rates.  Overall refinance activity was more than 27 percent above one year ago.”  
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June 12, 2024
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