Moderate, Inconsequential Weakness Bonds lost ground at a modest to moderate clip on Friday, but not for any interesting or obvious reasons.  The selling has been very linear over the past 2 trading days with Treasury yields fitting neatly inside a simple trend channel.  There is perhaps some small case to be made for excess weakness in European bonds spilling over the a US bond market that has nothing better to do and no compelling motivations of its own.  In the bigger picture, anything that takes place between 10yr yields of 4.34 and 4.50 would be considered very range-bound and that range might not be meaningfully challenged until the first week or two of June. Market Movement Recap09:15 AM Modestly weaker overnight with 10yr up 2.3bps at 4.40 and MBS down 2 ticks in 6.0 coupons 12:48 PM weakest levels of the day with MBS down 6 ticks (.19) and 10yr yield up 3.6bps at 4.413. 03:09 PM Just a bit more weakness, but flatting out now.  MBS down just under a quarter point and 10yr up 4.3bps at 4.42
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May 17, 2024
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MBS Commentary
Moderate, Inconsequential Weakness Bonds lost ground at a modest to moderate clip on Friday, but not for any interesting or obvious reasons.  The selling has been very linear over the past 2 trading days... (read more)
Mortgage Rate Watch
Mortgage rates have had a great month of May so far with almost every day being a winner up until yesterday and today.  Even then, the 2 day losing streak began from the lowest levels in just over 5 weeks.  Perhaps more importantly, apart f... (read more)
Rob Chrisman
We’re only a few days away from the MBA’s Capital Markets Conference. Attendees, don’t forget to pick up your badges, or else! (Speaking of interesting clips, watch U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken launch the Global Music Diplomacy Initiativ... (read more)
Mortgage Rates
MBS / Treasuries