Closing Near Week's Best Levels If Friday was going to offer any example of scheduled events causing movement in the bond market, it fell to Powell's Jackson Hole appearance to do the heavy lifting.  On that note, everything went off in a logical and fairly ideal way.  Powell forcefully confirmed the Fed policy shift despite stopping short of giving any sort of indication on the size of the forthcoming rate cut in September.  Bonds rallied instantly upon the release of the Powell's prepared remarks and, in the absence of a Q&A session, that was it for the day.  MBS and Treasuries hit their best levels a few moments later and both are heading out the door at almost the exact same levels. Market Movement Recap10:03 AM Very flat overnight and into Powell speech, but gaining ground now.  MBS up an eighth and 10yr down 4.7bps at 3.806 01:00 PM Stronger after Powell and flat since then.  MBS up 5 ticks (.16) and 10yr down 3.4bps at 3.82 03:38 PM Near the best levels with MBS up 9 ticks (.28) and 10yr down 5.1bps at 3.803
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August 23, 2024
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MBS Commentary
Closing Near Week's Best Levels If Friday was going to offer any example of scheduled events causing movement in the bond market, it fell to Powell's Jackson Hole appearance to do the heavy lifting.  On ... (read more)
Mortgage Rate Watch
Every year, the Federal Reserve (aka "the Fed") gathers in Jackson Hole, WY with a bevy of other central bankers and academics to discuss and comment on monetary policy in a setting that's slightly less formal than normal.  Despite the scenic ba... (read more)
Rob Chrisman
“There's a fine line between a numerator and a denominator. Only a fraction of people will find this funny.” Our business is a business of numbers. My son Robbie and I were fortunate to spend some time with the MBA’s Chief Economist Mike Fratantoni, ... (read more)
Mortgage Rates
MBS / Treasuries