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September 26, 2022
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Mortgage Rate Watch
The most recent historical high water market for mortgage rates was "14 years."  It was broken so many times in September that we officially declared it to be boring last Tuesday.  Now, less than a week later, 14-year highs would be more ex... (read more)
MBS Commentary
Why do US Rates Suddenly Care About The UK? If you're just getting caught up, UK fiscal policy is probably at the center of the last few days of rate volatility.  UK market fallout added to US rate drama... (read more)
Rob Chrisman
The big news in the Chrisman household is my cat Myrtle being offered a big signing bonus by the family next door. Apparently, word of her mousing prowess has spread. Myrtle’s tight-lipped on the details, but I assume it involves line-caught halibut ... (read more)
Mortgage Rates
MBS / Treasuries