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August 25, 2022
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Mortgage Rate Watch
Tomorrow morning brings a much anticipated appearance from Fed Chair Powell at the annual Jackson Hole Symposium.  As is often the case leading up to this event, there's a lot of speculation as to its potential importance and ample criticism of ... (read more)
MBS Commentary
It Doesn't Matter if Powell's Speech Matters Some things will be yearned for, anticipated, and sought after regardless of how likely or attainable they are.  Applying this general truth to Friday's Jacks... (read more)
Rob Chrisman
Nothing is simple or easy in this world. Take pine nuts. Simple, easy, right? Nope. A staple of pesto, and some salads and desserts, those in the United States don’t come from the United States. They come from China, Russia, and Afghanistan! Our alli... (read more)
Mortgage Rates
MBS / Treasuries