Positioning and Data Deliver Double Whammy For Bonds There were no whammies last week as bonds drifted sideways to slightly stronger in a narrow range.  The new week/month began with an unpleasant double whammy, unfortunately, due to positioning and economic data.  Traders began selling in waves right out of the gate.  The first two waves (8am and 8:20am) were best explained by traders closing out last week's 3.5-day weekend protections and other traders opening new positions for the month of April. Additional selling followed the stronger PMI data (both from S&P and ISM) which included higher price components.  Longer-dated Treasuries fared much worse at first, but short-term yields closed the gap a bit by the afternoon.  All told, 10yr yields jumped more than 12bps to close just over the 4.32% technical level.   MBS lost roughly half a point by 4pm.  Econ Data / EventsISM Manufacturing PMI50.3 vs 48.4 f'cast, 47.8 prev ISM Prices Paid55.8 vs 52.7 f'cast, 52.5 prev Market Movement Recap09:20 AM Roughly unchanged overnight, but sharply weaker since 8am, especially for the long end of the curve.  MBS down 5 ticks (.16) and 10yr up 5.6bps at 4.257. 11:03 AM Bigger sell-off after ISM data.  MBS down almost half a point.  10yr up 11.5bps at 4.316. 01:04 PM Fairly flat at the weakest levels.  MBS down a half point.  10yr up 12.5bps at 4.326
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April 1, 2024
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MBS Commentary
Positioning and Data Deliver Double Whammy For Bonds There were no whammies last week as bonds drifted sideways to slightly stronger in a narrow range.  The new week/month began with an unpleasant double... (read more)
Mortgage Rate Watch
March ended with a streak of some of the flattest day-over-day changes in mortgage rates on record.  It was all but certain that the new week/month would bring a change to that sideways trend, but the reality has immediate and abrupt. Right at ... (read more)
Rob Chrisman
In real Commentary news, many folks who read this Commentary are workin’ for a livin’, and many of them are managers. On a recent Truv Zoom call, Lower’s James Duncan opined on how things change within companies. As he put it, if change is driven fro... (read more)
Mortgage Rates
MBS / Treasuries