Most Popular of the Week - December 28, 2016

Noam Chomsky's Audacious Request For President Obama Before He Leaves Office

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

"President Obama should issue a general pardon to undocumented immigrants." READ MORE»

Amazon Shoppers Are Zinging Ivanka Trump in the Best Possible Way

By Karen Fratti, The Frisky

The reviews are in on her stretch-leather boots, and they are blistering.  READ MORE»

An Insider's View: The Dark Rigidity of Fundamentalist Rural America

By Forsetti's Justice, AlterNet

In deep-red white America, the white Christian God is king. READ MORE»

Trump's Nuclear Tweeting Stuns Even Fox News

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

"That would be something. We hit Dow 20,000… ka-boom." READ MORE»

Breitbart Is Leading a Smear Campaign Against a Scholar for Mocking White Supremacy, and His University Isn't Defending Him

By Sarah Lazare, AlterNet

George Ciccariello-Maher says he has received death threats. READ MORE»

TSA Rule: You Won’t Be Able to Board an Airplane with Driver’s Licenses from these 9 States

By Tana Ganeva, Raw Story

Why institute a policy that might make flying more stressful? READ MORE»

Retired Army Colonel Says Her Social Security Checks Were Garnished to 'Curtail Dissent'

By Sarah Lazare, AlterNet

Ann Wright says she was hit with retaliation after protesting at a U.S. drone base. READ MORE»

'All Will Be Reviewed Soon': Tom Arnold Hints 'Watergate Level Journalists' Will Expose Trump Tapes

By David Edwards, Raw Story

“I think if the people that like him saw him saying the N-word...I think they would have liked him more for being politically incorrect." READ MORE»

Chomsky: Trump's National Security Adviser Wants the U.S. to 'Go to War with the Whole Islamic World'

By Hafeel Farisz,

Trump's position is "vulgar imperialism masked by a fraudulent concern for the working people and the middle class." READ MORE»

Homo Obnoxious: Is Toxic Masculinity Really Taking Over the Country?

By Lynn Stuart Parramore, AlterNet

Maybe the real problem is a lack of positive paths to manhood. READ MORE»

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